Kill Count: 294137
Kill Count: 117771

Items for Sale



Found a total of 6817 record(s) across 341 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Shop ▲ Merchant Position Item Name Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
sanaallnlng izlude 159, 146 Temporal Fragment None None None None 32 000 z 2208
9911 fortessa 208, 157 Costume Halloween Short Cat Ears None None None None 150 000 000 z 1
8811 fortessa 208, 160 Costume Cache [Fortessa Dungeon] None None None None 35 555 555 z 5
2211 fortessa 202, 160 Costume Loli Ruri Moon None None None None 900 000 000 z 1
9911 fortessa 208, 157 Costume Cons of Poison None None None None 150 000 000 z 1
0011 fortessa 196, 160 Hiding Shadow Earring None None None None 90 000 000 z 1
Sell and Sell dic_in01 261, 106 Clever Shadow Shield None None None None 15 000 000 z 1
8811 fortessa 208, 160 HE Bubble Gum None None None None 7 080 000 z 9
3311 fortessa 196, 157 Flush Welding Wand [2] None None None None 590 000 000 z 1
Bilge malaya 211, 264 Old Purple Box None None None None 114 000 z 365
9911 fortessa 208, 157 Thanos Shooter Helmet [1] None None None None 150 000 000 z 1
vending bading izlude 153, 146 Nightmare Verit Card None None None None 3 200 000 z 6
sanaallnlng izlude 159, 146 Temporal Spell None None None None 485 000 z 590
muhkantotice geffen 141, 42 Ice Magic Stone (Powerful) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
8811 fortessa 208, 160 Bloody Branch None None None None 1 150 000 z 125
sanaallnlng izlude 159, 146 Costume Cons of Poison None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
vending bading izlude 153, 146 Safety Knuckle [2] None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
vendedora de pacoca cave 78, 81 Powerful Soul Essence None None None None 15 000 000 z 3
3311 fortessa 196, 157 Sealed Creator Card None None None None 145 555 555 z 1
8811 fortessa 208, 160 Incubus Egg None None None None 20 000 000 z 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next