Kill Count: 205405
Kill Count: 72056

Viewing Monster

#15414: The Chariot (MVP)

Monster ID 15414 Sprite JT_CHARIOT
kRO Name The Chariot Custom No
iRO Name The Chariot HP 803,545,464
Size Medium SP 0
Race Demi-Human Level 251
Element Dark (Lv 3) Speed 150
Experience 1,677,721,500 Attack 24,131~2,100
Job Experience 1,677,721,500 Defense 1,332
MVP Experience 100,000,000 Magic Defense 551
Attack Delay 88 ms Attack Range 1
Attack Motion 288 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 384 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Move
  • Aggressive
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Boss
  • Can Attack
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Change Chase
  • Change Target Chase
  • Random Target
  • MVP
  • Knockback Immune
  • Detector
  • Status Immune
Monster Stats
STR 313 AGI 214 VIT 88
INT 131 DEX 323 LUK 401

The Chariot Item Drops

No item drops found for The Chariot.

Monster Skills for “The Chariot”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
The Chariot@BO_ACIDIFIED_ZONE_GROUND 5 Attack 9% 0.1s 10s No Target always 0
The Chariot@BO_ACIDIFIED_ZONE_GROUND 5 Chase 30% 0.1s 10s No Target always 0
The Chariot@CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION 10 Chase 100% 0.1s 10s No Target always 0
The Chariot@HW_GANBANTEIN 1 Attack 30% 0s 7s No Target always 0
The Chariot@MO_INVESTIGATE 5 Attack 10% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_ALL_STAT_DOWN 5 Attack 20% 0s 30s No Randomtarget always 0
The Chariot@NPC_COMBOATTACK 7 Angry 5% 0s 5s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_COMBOATTACK 7 Attack 5% 0s 5s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_CRITICALSLASH 1 Attack 5% 0.1s 5s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_CRITICALSLASH 1 Attack 5% 0.1s 5s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_DARKNESSATTACK 5 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_DARKSTRIKE 5 Attack 5% 0s 10s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_FIREATTACK 15 Angry 5% 0s 5s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_FIREATTACK 15 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@SU_PICKYPECK 1 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always None
The Chariot@SU_PICKYPECK 1 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always None
The Chariot@NPC_FIREATTACK 15 Attack 5% 0s 5s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_GRADUAL_GRAVITY 5 Any 20% 0s 60s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_GROUNDATTACK 5 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_GUIDEDATTACK 7 Angry 5% 0.3s 20s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_GUIDEDATTACK 1 Attack 5% 0.3s 20s No Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_POISONATTACK 15 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_RANDOMATTACK 7 Attack 10% 0s 5s No Target always None
The Chariot@NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION 5 Any 100% 0.1s 30s No Self always 0
The Chariot@NPC_STRIPSHADOW 5 Attack 5% 0s 10s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_TELEKINESISATTACK 5 Any 5% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_UNDEADATTACK 15 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_WATERATTACK 15 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_WINDATTACK 15 Any 10% 0s 5s No Target always None
The Chariot@NPC_WINDATTACK 15 Any 20% 0s 9s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@NPC_WINDATTACK 15 Attack 10% 0s 5s No Target always None
The Chariot@PA_PRESSURE 7 Chase 100% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
The Chariot@WZ_STORMGUST 10 Chase 100% 1s 20s No Target always 0
The Chariot@WZ_VERMILION 21 Attack 100% 1s 20s No Target always 0