Kill Count: 277662
Kill Count: 114066

Viewing Monster

#1708: Thanatos Phantom (MVP)

Monster ID 1708 Sprite THANATOS
kRO Name Thanatos Custom No
iRO Name Thanatos Phantom HP 1,445,660
Size Large SP 0
Race Demon Level 99
Element Ghost (Lv 4) Speed 120
Experience 77,964,000 Attack 4,956~1,671
Job Experience 96,527,700 Defense 364
MVP Experience 64,970,000 Magic Defense 35
Attack Delay 115 ms Attack Range 3
Attack Motion 816 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 504 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Move
  • Aggressive
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Can Attack
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Change Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Change Target Chase
  • MVP
  • Knockback Immune
  • Detector
  • Status Immune
Monster Stats
STR 100 AGI 129 VIT 30
INT 86 DEX 247 LUK 32

Thanatos Phantom Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance
7444 Treasure Box 100%
2519 Morrigane's Manteau 100%
7450 Skeletal Armor Piece 100%
2342 Full Plate Armor 100%
2412 Greaves 100%
2515 Eagle Wing 100%
2655 Bloodied Shackle Ball 100%
4399 Memory of Thanatos Card 0.2%
617 MVP! Old Purple Box 100%
603 MVP! Old Blue Box 100%
732 MVP! 3carat Diamond 100%

Note: Only one MVP drop will be rewarded.

Monster Skills for “Thanatos Phantom”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
Thanatos@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Attack 100% 0s 60s Yes Self always 0
Thanatos@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Idle 100% 0s 60s Yes Self always 0
Thanatos@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 6 Attack 100% 0.7s 30s No Self slavele 0
Thanatos@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 6 Idle 100% 0.7s 30s No Self slavele 0
Thanatos@NPC_EXPULSION 1 Attack 10% 1s 10s No Target myhpltmaxrate 60
Thanatos@KN_TWOHANDQUICKEN 30 Attack 30% 0s 300s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Thanatos@SM_BASH 10 Attack 10% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@BS_HAMMERFALL 10 Chase 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@BS_HAMMERFALL 10 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@NPC_POWERUP 5 Attack 20% 0s 25s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Thanatos@NPC_POWERUP 5 Attack 20% 0s 100s Yes Self always 0
Thanatos@SM_PROVOKE 10 Chase 10% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@SM_PROVOKE 10 Attack 10% 0s 300s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@NPC_CHANGEHOLY 1 Attack 50% 0.5s 6000s No Self myhpltmaxrate 40
Thanatos@WZ_STORMGUST 10 Chase 20% 1s 20s No Target always 0
Thanatos@WZ_VERMILION 21 Chase 20% 1s 20s No Target always 0
Thanatos@WZ_STORMGUST 10 Attack 20% 1s 20s No Target always 0
Thanatos@WZ_VERMILION 21 Attack 20% 1s 20s No Target always 0
Thanatos@WZ_METEOR 11 Chase 20% 1s 20s No Target always 0
Thanatos@WZ_METEOR 11 Attack 20% 1s 20s No Target always 0
Thanatos@MG_SOULSTRIKE 10 Chase 20% 0s 3s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@MG_SOULSTRIKE 10 Attack 20% 0s 3s Yes Target always 0
Thanatos@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 100% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Thanatos@AL_TELEPORT 1 Walk 100% 0s 5s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Thanatos@AL_TELEPORT 1 Attack 5% 0s 10s Yes Self always 0
Thanatos Phantom@Recovery Conversion 3 Attack 100% 0s 150s No Self myhpltmaxrate 50
Thanatos Phantom@Recovery Conversion 3 Chase 100% 0s 150s No Self myhpltmaxrate 50
Thanatos Phantom@Deaths Grasp 3 Attack 25% 0s 10s No Target always 0
Thanatos Phantom@Deaths Grasp 5 Chase 25% 0s 10s No Target rudeattacked 0
Thanatos Phantom@Deaths Grasp 5 Chase 25% 0s 10s No Target always 0