Kill Count: 158863
Kill Count: 22446

Max HP/Max SP + 5% per 2 refine.
Increases Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water damage by 5% per 3 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
reduces delay after skill by 10%, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
If refine is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 7%, Max SP + 5%.
When equipped with Great Hero Boots, Vit + 10, increases long ranged physical damage by 5%.
Class : Two-handed Sword
Attack : 200
Weight : 200
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 150
Usable Jobs : Rune Knight

#21058: Patent Dragonic Slayer

Item ID 21058 For Sale No
Identifier Patent_Dragonic_Slayer Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Patent Dragonic Slayer Type Weapon - Two-Handed Sword
NPC Buy 20 Weight 200
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 4
Range 1 Defense 0
Slots 2 Refineable Yes
Attack 200 Min Equip Level 150
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Main Hand + Off Hand
Equip Upper Third / Third Upper / Third Baby
Equippable Jobs Knight
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)

Vending information:

ID Name ▲ Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount Shop Name
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 110,000,000 z 1 BOMBA
21058 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] None None None None 15,000,000 z 1 Look@me
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 75,000,000 z 1 Nice new things 5
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 65,000,000 z 1 Nice new things 8
21058 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] None None None None 12,000,000 z 1 iiiiin yo drims
21058 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] None None None None 20,000,000 z 1 a
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 69,000,000 z 1 New new stuff 14
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 69,000,000 z 1 New new stuff 14
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 130,000,000 z 1 -77% SALE SALE
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 150,000,000 z 1 +12 DRAGON weapons
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 170,000,000 z 1 +12 DRAGON weapons
21058 +13 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 129,999,999 z 1 M36>There's Blue Sky beyond seacloud
21058 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] None None None None 49,000,000 z 1 ## InfFlyWing, Hats ##
21058 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] None None None None 12,000,000 z 1 iiiiin yo drims
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 120,000,000 z 1 Cheap
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 180,000,000 z 1 +12 DRAGON weapons
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 150,000,000 z 1 +11Vesper C Grade
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 160,000,000 z 1 +7% ATK, MATK
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 80,000,000 z 1 Cheapest, unique itens
21058 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [2] [2 Options] None None None None 170,000,000 z 1 +12 ALL
1 | 2

Vending Price History:

Date ▼ Item Name Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Price Amount Sold
2025-03-11 11:38:36 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 10,000,000 z 1
2025-03-04 22:25:15 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 7,500,000 z 1
2025-03-01 09:57:14 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 7,000,000 z 1
2025-03-01 09:57:14 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 7,000,000 z 1
2025-02-24 05:19:22 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 14,000,000 z 1
2025-02-21 18:31:59 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 17,000,000 z 1
2025-02-15 20:03:39 +15 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] Greater Papila Ruba Card Archer Skeleton Card None None 255,000,000 z 1
2025-02-13 07:05:53 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 17,000,000 z 1
2025-02-09 08:18:54 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] None None None None 75,000,000 z 1
2025-02-01 03:32:29 +14 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] None None None None 150,000,000 z 1
2025-01-25 05:33:33 +7 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 10,000,000 z 1
2025-01-17 10:24:01 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 6,900,000 z 1
2025-01-12 07:47:42 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 75,000,000 z 1
2024-12-16 04:11:33 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] None None None None 110,000,000 z 1
2024-12-07 00:59:11 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] None None None None 70,000,000 z 1
2024-12-03 11:50:52 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] None None None None 99,999,999 z 1
2024-12-02 08:04:40 +12 Patent Dragonic Slayer [ Options ] None None None None 70,000,000 z 1
2024-11-28 19:33:42 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 15,000,000 z 1
2024-11-24 16:34:01 +5 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-11-24 16:33:19 Patent Dragonic Slayer None None None None 5,000,000 z 1

Minimum in the past 10 days have been : 7500000

Maximum in the past 10 days have been : 10000000

Average of the past 10 days is : 8750000
