Kill Count: 166357
Kill Count: 27254

Mysterious mineral that's
rarely found in nature.
It is said to display
colorful dreams if
looked through and
to stimulate one's
deepest fantasies.
There might be someone
who knows its true value.
Weight : 1

#25271: Illusion Stone

Item ID 25271 For Sale No
Identifier Illusion_Stone Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Illusion Stone Type Etc
NPC Buy 20 Weight 1
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 0
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Unknown

Illusion Stone Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Illusion Stone Drop Chance Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
20811 Deep Sea Kraken 100% 204 Fish Level 4 Water
3757 Furious Dracula 100% 139 Demon Level 4 Dark
3804 Ominous Turtle General 100% 165 Brute Level 2 Earth
20260 Shining Teddy Bear 100% 160 Formless Level 4 Holy
20272 Ancient Megalith 1% 166 Formless Level 4 Neutral
20274 Ancient Stone Shooter 1% 166 Plant Level 3 Fire
3796 Awaken Ktullanux 1% 135 Brute Level 4 Water
3756 Bomi 1% 137 Demi-Human Level 2 Ghost
20521 Chaotic Andrea 1% 177 Demi-Human Level 3 Holy
20522 Chaotic Anes 1% 177 Demi-Human Level 3 Neutral
20520 Chaotic Baphomet 1% 178 Demon Level 3 Dark
20525 Chaotic Baphomet Jr. 1% 177 Demon Level 1 Dark
20524 Chaotic Cecilia 1% 177 Demi-Human Level 3 Neutral
20529 Chaotic Ghostring 1% 173 Demon Level 4 Ghost
20527 Chaotic Hunter Fly 1% 175 Insect Level 2 Wind
20530 Chaotic Killer Mantis 1% 177 Insect Level 1 Earth
20528 Chaotic Mantis 1% 174 Insect Level 1 Earth
20531 Chaotic Poporing 1% 173 Plant Level 1 Poison
20526 Chaotic Side Winder 1% 176 Brute Level 1 Poison
20523 Chaotic Silvano 1% 177 Demi-Human Level 3 Neutral
20532 Chaotic Stem Worm 1% 172 Plant Level 1 Wind
20803 Deep Sea Deviace 1% 150 Fish Level 4 Water
20810 Deep Sea King Dramoh 1% 205 Fish Level 3 Water
20804 Deep Sea Marse 1% 149 Fish Level 2 Water
20805 Deep Sea Merman 1% 148 Demi-Human Level 3 Water
20802 Deep Sea Obeaune 1% 149 Fish Level 2 Water
20809 Deep Sea Phen 1% 199 Fish Level 2 Water
20806 Deep Sea Sedora 1% 199 Fish Level 3 Wind
20801 Deep Sea Sropho 1% 147 Fish Level 3 Water
20808 Deep Sea Strouf 1% 145 Fish Level 3 Water
20807 Deep Sea Swordfish 1% 199 Fish Level 3 Water
3792 Furious Gazeti 1% 126 Demon Level 1 Water
3765 Furious Hero 1% 117 Undead Level 3 Undead
3794 Furious Ice Titan 1% 133 Formless Level 3 Water
3758 Furious Moonlight 1% 118 Demon Level 3 Fire
3759 Furious Nine Tail 1% 116 Brute Level 3 Fire
3755 Ghastly Black Mushroom 1% 130 Plant Level 1 Earth
20257 Green Teddy Bear 1% 157 Formless Level 1 Poison
20261 Hardworking Pitman 1% 154 Demon Level 2 Earth
20263 Haunted Obsidian 1% 156 Formless Level 2 Earth
3799 Ominous Assulter 1% 160 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
3800 Ominous Permeter 1% 157 Brute Level 2 Neutral
3802 Ominous Solider 1% 161 Brute Level 2 Earth
3763 Resentful Archer Skeleton 1% 115 Undead Level 1 Undead
3761 Resentful Bongun 1% 112 Undead Level 1 Undead
3760 Resentful Munak 1% 110 Undead Level 1 Undead
3762 Resentful Sohee 1% 114 Demon Level 2 Water
3753 Restless Ghoul 1% 136 Undead Level 2 Undead
3752 Restless Zombie 1% 130 Undead Level 1 Undead
3795 Solid Iceicle 1% 135 Formless Level 2 Water
20262 Soul Fragment 1% 153 Formless Level 2 Neutral
20258 White Teddy Bear 1% 155 Formless Level 1 Neutral
20256 Yellow Teddy Bear 1% 176 Formless Level 1 Wind

Vending information:

ID Name ▲ Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount Shop Name
25271 Illusion Stone None None None None 777,777 z 799

Vending Price History:

Date ▼ Item Name Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Price Amount Sold
2025-03-13 17:02:22 Illusion Stone None None None None 450,000 z 1
2025-03-13 17:02:08 Illusion Stone None None None None 450,000 z 200
2025-03-13 17:01:51 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 39
2025-03-13 16:46:17 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 9
2025-03-13 16:45:55 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 150
2025-03-08 23:09:49 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 2
2025-03-08 23:09:10 Illusion Stone None None None None 200,000 z 415
2025-03-07 12:24:30 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 2
2025-03-07 12:20:42 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 100
2025-03-05 07:37:28 Illusion Stone None None None None 77,777 z 194
2025-02-06 19:02:26 Illusion Stone None None None None 474,000 z 150
2025-02-06 18:56:42 Illusion Stone None None None None 474,000 z 120
2025-02-06 17:08:49 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 156
2025-02-06 17:02:39 Illusion Stone None None None None 400,000 z 150
2025-01-24 02:35:34 Illusion Stone None None None None 490,000 z 50
2025-01-22 14:49:11 Illusion Stone None None None None 500,000 z 5
2025-01-22 14:48:29 Illusion Stone None None None None 490,000 z 10
2025-01-22 14:47:44 Illusion Stone None None None None 490,000 z 2
2025-01-18 02:55:24 Illusion Stone None None None None 490,000 z 10
2025-01-18 02:51:32 Illusion Stone None None None None 490,000 z 50

Minimum in the past 10 days have been : 77777

Maximum in the past 10 days have been : 450000

Average of the past 10 days is : 357777
