Kill Count: 277662
Kill Count: 114066

A metal with a mysterious shimmer. Above all else, it is extremely hard yet light, making it neccessary to forge special equipment.
Weight: 2

#25729: Shadowdecon

Item ID 25729 For Sale No
Identifier Shadowdecon Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Shadowdecon Type Etc
NPC Buy 20 Weight 2
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 0
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper Normal / Upper / Baby / Third / Third Upper / Third Baby
Equippable Jobs All Jobs
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)

Shadowdecon Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Shadowdecon Drop Chance Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
21563 Blazing Detardeurus 100% 255 Dragon Level 3 Dark
20422 Contaminated Dark Lord 100% 194 Demon Level 4 Undead
20421 Contaminated Spider Queen 100% 195 Demon Level 3 Dark
21950 MVP! Gaia Pol 100% 270 Brute Level 4 Earth
21950 Gaia Pol 100% 270 Brute Level 4 Earth
21571 Glacier Ktullanux 100% 255 Brute Level 4 Water
20118 Goblin King 100% 255 Demi-Human Level 3 Wind
21579 Grave Lord of Death 100% 255 Demon Level 3 Dark
20350 Incomplete Bellare 100% 112 Demi-Human Level 2 Neutral
20928 Mutant Chimera Theone 100% 245 Formless Level 3 Neutral
21955 Renire 100% 270 Insect Level 3 Water
21955 MVP! Renire 100% 270 Insect Level 3 Water
20419 Rigid Muspellskoll 100% 188 Demon Level 3 Fire
21943 Soul Gloom Under Night 100% 255 Formless Level 3 Ghost
21927 Temple Valkyrie Randgris 100% 255 Angel Level 4 Holy
21935 Venomous Chimera 100% 255 Brute Level 3 Fire
21555 Verdant Mistress 100% 255 Insect Level 4 Wind
20843 Deep Sea Witch 70% 205 Demon Level 3 Dark
20941 Grote 70% 253 Demon Level 1 Dark
20942 Pierrotzoist 70% 255 Demon Level 2 Dark
20934 R001-Bestia 70% 215 Brute Level 2 Dark
20943 Witch of Death 70% 255 Demi-Human Level 2 Dark
21298 Hot Molar 2.4% 212 Brute Level 1 Neutral
21300 Lava Toad 2.4% 211 Brute Level 3 Fire
21557 Blazing Deleter 1% 251 Dragon Level 2 Fire
21561 Blazing Hydrolancer 1% 255 Dragon Level 2 Dark
21559 Blazing Lava Golem 1% 254 Formless Level 4 Fire
21568 Glacier Aqua Elemental 1% 247 Formless Level 4 Water
21564 Glacier Ice Titan 1% 252 Formless Level 3 Water
21570 Glacier Rhyncho 1% 250 Formless Level 3 Water
21566 Glacier Snowier 1% 249 Formless Level 2 Water
21577 Grave Banshee 1% 254 Demon Level 2 Dark
21573 Grave Lude 1% 251 Undead Level 1 Undead
21575 Grave Wraith 1% 245 Undead Level 4 Undead
21938 Soul Marionette 1% 253 Demon Level 3 Ghost
21936 Soul Nightmare 1% 253 Demon Level 3 Ghost
21942 Soul Odium of Thanatos 1% 255 Undead Level 4 Ghost
21940 Soul Paper 1% 254 Formless Level 3 Neutral
21925 Temple Anopheles 1% 254 Insect Level 3 Wind
21921 Temple Arc Angeling 1% 253 Angel Level 3 Holy
21923 Temple Plasma 1% 254 Formless Level 4 Dark
21929 Venomous Bullfrog 1% 253 Brute Level 2 Poison
21931 Venomous Cramp 1% 254 Brute Level 2 Poison
21933 Venomous Nepenthes 1% 254 Plant Level 2 Poison
21548 Verdant Cornus 1% 250 Brute Level 3 Holy
21554 Verdant Hill Wind 1% 250 Brute Level 3 Wind
21550 Verdant Hunter Fly 1% 249 Insect Level 2 Wind
21552 Verdant Savage 1% 247 Brute Level 2 Earth
21522 Calamaring 0.6% 209 Plant Level 2 Water
21525 Ice Gangu 0.6% 208 Insect Level 2 Water
21523 Ice Straw 0.6% 211 Fish Level 3 Water
21520 Limacina 0.6% 213 Formless Level 2 Water
21527 Lowest Rgan 0.6% 212 Formless Level 2 Earth
21526 Primitive Rgan 0.6% 210 Formless Level 1 Poison
21524 Shining Seaweed 0.6% 208 Plant Level 2 Neutral
21521 Unfrost Flower 0.6% 212 Fish Level 2 Water

Vending information:

ID Name ▲ Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount Shop Name
25729 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 592 Sella
25729 Shadowdecon None None None None 29,999 z 990 Costumes,+5ImmuneShield,Crimson Weap
25729 Shadowdecon None None None None 25,000 z 2089 thrir
25729 Shadowdecon None None None None 45,000 z 1720 BISCUITS FOR DAMAGESS
25729 Shadowdecon None None None None 23,799 z 1350 Good Stuff

Vending Price History:

Date ▼ Item Name Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Price Amount Sold
2025-03-12 08:27:55 Shadowdecon None None None None 23,799 z 50
2025-03-12 08:12:53 Shadowdecon None None None None 23,799 z 100
2025-03-01 11:13:43 Shadowdecon None None None None 18,000 z 150
2025-03-01 11:12:43 Shadowdecon None None None None 18,000 z 50
2025-02-19 10:38:32 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 150
2025-02-11 15:21:51 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 50
2025-02-10 15:47:13 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 20
2025-02-10 15:45:08 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 20
2025-02-10 00:20:36 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 18
2025-01-19 08:39:52 Shadowdecon None None None None 19,000 z 150
2025-01-04 22:38:27 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 150
2024-12-31 06:04:03 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 25
2024-12-31 06:02:53 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 5
2024-12-11 11:33:25 Shadowdecon None None None None 24,000 z 10
2024-12-10 05:29:21 Shadowdecon None None None None 25,000 z 125
2024-11-28 23:13:30 Shadowdecon None None None None 23,000 z 94
2024-11-11 18:51:44 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 10
2024-11-07 07:24:00 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 114
2024-11-07 07:23:44 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 150
2024-11-02 22:24:55 Shadowdecon None None None None 20,000 z 10

Minimum in the past 10 days have been : 23799

Maximum in the past 10 days have been : 23799

Average of the past 10 days is : 23799
