Kill Count: 180226
Kill Count: 50058

ATK + 3%.

#310986: ATK Lv1

Item ID 310986 For Sale No
Identifier ATK_1Lv Credit Price Not For Sale
Name ATK Lv1 Type Card
NPC Buy 100 Weight 1
NPC Sell 50 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 0
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Lower Headgear + Main Hand + Garment + Accessory Right + Armor + Off Hand + Footgear + Accessory Left + Upper Headgear + Middle Headgear
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Unknown

Vending information:

ID Name ▲ Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount Shop Name
420019 Young Leaf of World Tree (Agi) None H.PLUS Lv1 ATK Lv1 AGI+2 220,000,000 z 1 +7% ATK huuma
420020 Young Leaf of World Tree (Luk) None POW Lv1 ATK Lv1 STR+2 220,000,000 z 1 +7% ATK huuma
420017 Young Leaf of World Tree (Str) None CRT Lv1 ATK Lv1 STR+2 250,000,000 z 1 AURUS
420017 Young Leaf of World Tree (Str) None POW Lv1 ATK Lv1 INT+1 260,000,000 z 1 +10 SHADOW
420017 Young Leaf of World Tree (Str) None WIS Lv1 ATK Lv1 DEX+1 200,000,000 z 1 +12 ARMOR
420021 Young Leaf of World Tree (Vit) None S.MATK Lv1 ATK Lv1 LUK+1 160,000,000 z 1 TOP 100
420021 Young Leaf of World Tree (Vit) None C.RATE Lv1 ATK Lv1 VIT+1 170,000,000 z 1 ---(OO-OO)---

No Vending history available for this item.

No price history available for this item.