Kill Count: 235106
Kill Count: 100904

Matk + 195
Matk + 15 per 2 refine.
Increases Gloria Domini and Genesis Ray damage by 5% per 3 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases holy property magical damage by 15%.
Refine is +11 or higher
increases magical damage against all size enemies by 15%, increases Gloria Domini and Genesis Ray damage by 15%
When equipped with Great Hero Boots
Int + 10, Matk + 7%.
Class: Sword
Attack: 130
Weight: 120
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 150
Usable Jobs: Royal Guard

#500017: Patent Light Blade

Item ID 500017 For Sale No
Identifier Patent_Light_Blade Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Patent Light Blade Type Weapon - One-Handed Sword
NPC Buy 100 Weight 120
NPC Sell 50 Weapon Level 4
Range 1 Defense 0
Slots 2 Refineable Yes
Attack 130 Min Equip Level 150
MATK 195 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Main Hand
Equip Upper Third / Third Upper / Third Baby
Equippable Jobs Crusader
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)

Vending information:

ID Name ▲ Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount Shop Name
500017 +12 Patent Light Blade [2] [2 Options] None None None None 29,000,000 z 1 Nice new things 8
500017 +12 Patent Light Blade [2] [2 Options] None None None None 69,000,000 z 1 Nice equips 9

Vending Price History:

Date ▼ Item Name Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Price Amount Sold
2024-12-09 17:19:07 Patent Light Blade None None None None 19,999,999 z 1
2024-10-29 17:56:06 +15 Patent Light Blade None None None None 125,000,000 z 1
2024-07-28 06:17:00 +15 Patent Light Blade None None None None 95,000,000 z 1
2024-07-21 12:50:31 +14 Patent Light Blade None None None None 40,000,000 z 1
2024-06-29 07:14:22 +14 Patent Light Blade None None None None 60,000,000 z 1
2024-01-30 22:23:27 +12 Patent Light Blade [ Options ] None None None None 40,000,000 z 1
2023-12-19 07:22:54 +12 Patent Light Blade None None None None 20,000,000 z 1
2023-12-16 09:36:24 +12 Patent Light Blade None None None None 30,000,000 z 1
2023-09-29 17:19:42 +13 Patent Light Blade [ Options ] None None None None 50,000,000 z 1
2023-07-06 05:25:30 +12 Patent Light Blade [ Options ] None None None None 45,000,000 z 1
2023-06-26 18:56:23 +5 Patent Light Blade None None None None 7,000,000 z 1
2023-06-26 18:56:23 +5 Patent Light Blade None None None None 7,000,000 z 1
2023-01-13 15:40:18 +12 Patent Light Blade None None None None 125,000,000 z 1
2022-10-03 23:05:03 +6 Patent Light Blade None None None None 30,000,000 z 1
2022-09-05 23:50:58 +6 Patent Light Blade None None None None 20,000,000 z 1
2022-07-30 13:56:50 +6 Patent Light Blade None None None None 29,000,000 z 1
2022-07-12 03:17:31 +5 Patent Light Blade None None None None 20,000,000 z 1
2022-06-08 17:34:25 +9 Patent Light Blade None None None None 20,000,000 z 1
2022-05-08 04:48:23 +12 Patent Light Blade [ Options ] Mutated White Knight Card Lady Solace Card None None 110,000,000 z 1
2022-03-09 03:19:29 Patent Light Blade None None None None 30,000,000 z 1

No price history available for this item.