Kill Count: 175399
Kill Count: 22545

Vending Items Of [ComprandoTranqueira]

Shit items

prt_monk, 132, 195

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
490171 A mysterious accessory that brings out the potential of a Hero's Weapon-LT. It contains the energy of the Cardinal.
ATK +10%, MATK +10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases all property magical damage by 10%
Increases damage of Lightning Land and Diamond Storm by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
SPL +5, S.MATK +5.
Increases damage of Lightning Land and Diamond Storm by additional 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases all property magical damage by 10%
Increases damage of Terra Drive and Venom Swamp by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
SPL +5, S.MATK +5.
Increases damage of Terra Drive and Venom Swamp by additional 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 10
Weight: 20
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 205
Elemental Master
Heroic Token (Elemental Master) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
490164 A mysterious accessory that brings out the potential of a Hero's Weapon-LT. It contains the energy of the Shadow Cross.
ATK +10%, MATK +10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage of Savage Impact by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
POW +5, P.ATK +5.
Increases damage of Savage Impact by additional 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage of Eternal Slash by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
POW +5, P.ATK +5.
Increases damage of Eternal Slash by additional 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 10
Weight: 20
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 205
Shadow Cross
Heroic Token (Shadow Cross) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
470072 Old shoes that have been eroded by an unknown force.
Whenever the wearer concentrates, he can feel the boots react.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +110
MaxSP +10
Refine Level +9:
Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%).
Refine Level +11:
Physical and magical attacks have a random chance to increase DEX by 175 for 10 seconds.
Refine Level +13:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time of all skills by 0.5 seconds.
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: Physical and magical attacks have a random chance to increase DEX by 25 for 10 seconds.
[Grade C]: Physical and magical attacks have a random chance to increase DEX by 25 for 10 seconds.
Type: Shoes
Defense: 60
Weight: 70
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 230
Boots of Unknown Dexterity [1] None None None None 49 999 999 z 1
490152 A mysterious accessory that brings out the potential of a Hero's Weapon-LT. It contains the energy of the Arch Mage.
ATK +10%, MATK +10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.
Increases damage of Crimson Arrow and Rock Down by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
SPL +5, S.MATK +5.
Increases damage of Crimson Arrow and Rock Down by additional 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.
Increases damage of Frozen Slash and Soul Vulcan Strike by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
SPL +5, S.MATK +5.
Increases damage of Frozen Slash and Soul Vulcan Strike by additional 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 10
Weight: 20
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 205
Arch Mage
Heroic Token (Arch Mage) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
Boots of Good and Evil (Elemental Master) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
470077 Old shoes that have been eroded by an unknown force.
Whenever the wearer is lucky, he can feel the boots react.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +100
MaxSP +8
Refine Level +9:
Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%).
Refine Level +11:
Physical attacks have a random chance to increase LUK by 175 for 10 seconds.
Refine Level +13:
Critical +7
Increases Critical Damage by 7%.
ATK +7%
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: Physical attacks have a random chance to increase LUK by 25 for 10 seconds.
[Grade C]: Physical attacks have a random chance to increase LUK by 25 for 10 seconds.
Type: Shoes
Defense: 65
Weight: 72
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 230
Boots of Unknown Luck [1] None None None None 49 999 999 z 1
470076 Old shoes that have been eroded by an unknown force.
Whenever the wearer makes agile movements, he can feel the boots react.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +120
MaxSP +8
Refine Level +9:
Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%).
Refine Level +11:
Physical attacks have a random chance to increase AGI by 175 for 10 seconds.
Refine Level +13:
Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 4%.
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: Physical attacks have a random chance to increase AGI by 25 for 10 seconds.
[Grade C]: Physical attacks have a random chance to increase AGI by 25 for 10 seconds.
Type: Shoes
Defense: 60
Weight: 70
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 230
Boots of Unknown Agility [1] None None None None 49 999 999 z 1
490172 A mysterious accessory that brings out the potential of a Hero's Weapon-LT. It contains the energy of the Cardinal.
ATK +10%, MATK +10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Long range Physical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage of Rhythm Shooting by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
POW +5, P.ATK +5.
Increases damage of Rhythm Shooting by additional 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases all property magical damage by 10%
Increases damage of Metallic Fury by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
SPL +5, S.MATK +5.
Increases damage of Metallic Fury by additional 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 10
Weight: 20
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 205
Troubadour / Trouvere
Heroic Token (Troubadour / Trouvere) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
470074 Old shoes that have been eroded by an unknown force.
Whenever the wearer uses magic, he can feel the boots react.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +80
MaxSP +20
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 7%.
Refine Level +11:
Magical attacks have a random chance to increase INT by 175 for 10 seconds.
Refine Level +13:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: Magical attacks have a random chance to increase INT by 25 for 10 seconds.
[Grade C]: Magical attacks have a random chance to increase INT by 25 for 10 seconds.
Type: Shoes
Defense: 50
Weight: 65
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 230
Boots of Unknown Magic Power [1] None None None None 49 999 999 z 1
490153 A mysterious accessory that brings out the potential of a Hero's Weapon-LT. It contains the energy of the Wind Hawk.
ATK +10%, MATK +10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage of Gale Storm by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
CON +5, P.ATK +5.
Increases damage of Gale Storm by additional 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage of Crescive Bolt by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
CON +5, P.ATK +5.
Increases damage of Crescive Bolt by additional 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 10
Weight: 20
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 205
Wind Hawk
Heroic Token (Wind Hawk) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
490188 A mysterious accessory that brings out the potential of a Hero's Weapon-LT. It contains the energy of the Cardinal.
ATK +10%, MATK +10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
When equipped with :
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.
Increases Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.

Refine Level of is +10 or higher:
Increases all property magical damage by 10%
Increases Long range Physical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage of Hogogong Strike and Hyunrok Breeze by 10%.

If the 's Grade is C or higher:
SPL +5, S.MATK +5.
POW +5, P.ATK +5.
Increases damage of Hogogong Strike and Hyunrok Breeze by additional 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 10
Weight: 20
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 205
Spirit Handler
Heroic Token (Spirit Handler) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1