Kill Count: 175399
Kill Count: 22545

Vending Items Of [Angelieksa]

Headgear Stones II - 2nd J

ve_fild06, 99, 234

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1000307 Increases Melody Strike and Slinging Arrow damage by 15%.
Clown Gypsy Stone II (Lower) None None None None 7 500 000 z 4
1000306 Increases neutral property magical damage by 1% for each level of Melody Strike or Slinging Arrow user learned.
Clown Gypsy Stone II (Middle) None None None None 7 500 000 z 2
1000305 Increases Arrow Vulcan damage by 15%.
Clown Gypsy Stone II (Upper) None None None None 7 500 000 z 2
45018 A stone that evoke an Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a costume.
Increases Holy Property Magical Damage by 1% for each level of Grand Cross user learned.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone II(Lower) None None None None 7 500 000 z 3
45017 A stone that evoke an Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a costume.
Increases Gloria Domini damage by 20%.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone II(Middle) None None None None 7 500 000 z 6
45016 A stone that evoke an Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a costume.
Reduces variable casting time by 1% for each level of Faith user learned.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone II(Upper) None None None None 7 500 000 z 2
45006 A stone that evoke a Whitesmith's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of lower costume.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 1% for each level of Maximize Power user learned.
Weight: 10
Whitesmith Stone II(Lower) None None None None 7 500 000 z 10
45005 A stone that evoke a Whitesmith's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of middle costume.
Increases Cart Termination damage by 15%.
Weight: 10
Whitesmith Stone II(Middle) None None None None 7 500 000 z 3
45004 A stone that evoke a Whitesmith's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
Reduces cooldown of Axe Boomerang by 0.1 seconds for each level of Maximum Power-Thrust user learned.
Weight: 10
Whitesmith Stone II(Upper) None None None None 7 500 000 z 4
25804 A stone that evoke a Professor's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
Increase damage of Earth Spike by 20%.
Increase damage of Heaven's Drive by 20%.
Weight: 10
Professor Stone II(Upper) None None None None 7 500 000 z 4
25803 A stone that evoke a Professor's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of middle costume.
Increase damage of Cold Bolt by 20%.
Increase damage of Fire Bolt by 20%.
Increase damage of Lightning Bolt by 20%.
Weight: 10
Professor Stone II(Middle) None None None None 7 500 000 z 6
25802 A stone that evoke a Professor's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of lower costume.
MATK + 2 per level of Hindsight learned.
Weight: 10
Professor Stone II (Lower) None None None None 6 000 000 z 3