Kill Count: 71162
Kill Count: 135764

Vending Items Of [nbmerch]

BB Convex Spellbooks

fortessa, 241, 103

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
666666666 Using the devils luck you can use this in the Card Exchanger NPC.
Weight: 0
Devils AdvoCARD None None None None 299 988 z 6000
978 Made of Blue Herb,can be used to dye the fabric or hair Blue.
Weight: 15
Cobaltblue Dyestuffs None None None None 555 555 z 65
976 Made of Yellow Herb,can be used to dye the fabric or hair Yellow.
Weight: 15
Lemon Dyestuffs None None None None 555 555 z 65
975 Made of Red Herb,can be used to dye the fabric or hair Red.
Weight: 15
Scarlet Dyestuffs None None None None 555 555 z 65
101178 A spell book that enhances Separate Reload Shadow Shield.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Separate Reload Shadow Shield
Weight : 1
Separate Shadow Spellbook None None None None 7 999 999 z 8