Vending Items Of [Mozzarella]
fortessa, 247, 139
ID | Name | Refine | Slot | Card0 | Card1 | Card2 | Card3 | Price | Amount |
Shining Moon ItemID: 40004
Official ItemID: 580002 -------------------- Matk + 190 Matk + 10 per 2 refine. Increases Neutral property damage by 4% per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher Increases Reverberation damage by 10%. Increases Metallic Sound damage by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +11 or higher Reduces fixed casting time of Reverberation by 0.5 seconds. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, When dealing physical or magical damage, has a chance to gain Int + 20 and Matk + 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class: Musical Instrument Attack: 160 Weight: 70 Weapon Level: 4 Level Requirement: 100 Jobs: Wanderer |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
ATK + 10 per 2 refines.
Increases critical damage by 4% per 3 refines. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher increases physical damage against Demi-Human and Brute monsters by 15%. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). -------------------- Refine is +11 or higher increases physical damage against Demi-Human and Brute race monsters by additional 20%. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing physical damage, has a chance to gain Luk + 20 and increases critical damage by 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class : Katar Attack : 185 Weight : 120 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Usable Job : Guillotine Cross |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
ATK + 10 per 2 refines.
Increases the damage of Sonic Wave by 10% per 3 refines. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher when dealing melee physical damage, has a chance to auto-cast Sonic Wave ( Lvl 2 or user-learned level ). -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, weapon cannot be destroyed. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing physical damage, has a chance to gain Str + 20 and ATK by 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class : Two-Handed Sword Attack : 180 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Usable Jobs : Rune Knight Class |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
ATK + 10 per 2 refines
Increases long ranged physical damage by 4% per 3 refines. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher increases damage of Rampage Blast by 10%. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, reduces the cooldown of Rampage Blast by 1 second. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing physical damage, has a 3% chance to gain Str + 20 and Atk + 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class : Knuckle Attack : 180 Weight : 100 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Usable Jobs : Sura |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
MATK +160.
MATK+ 10 per 2 refines. Increases damage of Duple Light by 25% per 3 refines. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, increases damage of Duple Light by additional 25%. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing magical damage, has a 3% chance to gain Int + 20 and Matk + 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class : Book Attack : 165 Weight : 50 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Usable Job : Archbishop |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
MATK + 200
Cannot be destroyed. MATK + 10 per 2 refines. Increases the damage of Earth Strain by 12% per 3 refines. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher reduces the variable casting time by 10%. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, reduces the cooldown of Earth Strain by 1 second -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing magical damage, has a chance to gain Int + 20 and MATK by 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class : Two-handed Staff Attack : 100 Weight : 80 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Usable Jobs : Warlock Class |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 95 000 000 z | 1 |
Atk + 10 per 2 refines.
Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 3%) per 3 refines. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher ASPD + 1, Atk + 5%. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases critical damage by 20%. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, Crit + 20 and increases long ranged physical damage by 15% for 60 seconds when using Heat Barrel. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing physical damage, has a chance to gain Dex + 20 and increases long ranged physical damage by 10% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class : Pistol Attack : 150 Weight : 70 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 100 Usable Jobs : Rebellion |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
Shining Moon ItemID: 40011
Official ItemID: 700003 -------------------- Attack + 10 per 2 refine. Reduces aftercast delay by 4% per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher Increases Aimed Bolt damage by 35%. -------------------- Refine is +11 or higher Reduces cooldown of Aimed Bolt by 1 second. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, When dealing physical damage has a chance to gain Dex + 20 and Atk + 20% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class: Bow Attack: 170 Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 4 Level Requirement: 100 Jobs: Ranger |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 95 000 000 z | 1 |
Atk + 15 per 2 refine.
Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 2%) per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher increases Rolling Cutter and Cross Ripper Slasher damage by 25%. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher reduces delay after skill by 12%. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, increases melee physical damage and long ranged physical damage by 10%. -------------------- When equipped with Great Hero Boots, Str + 10, Atk + 7%. -------------------- Class : Katar Attack : 275 Weight : 140 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 150 Usable Jobs : Guillotine Cross |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 | |
One half of a pair of ninja swords wielded by a legendary ninja capable of holding his liquor in the past.
It must be wielded with Kiri no Tsuyu in order to demonstrate its true abilities. -------------------- [+Kiri no Tsuyu] [+Ancient Hero Boots] Adds a 3% chance to gain STR + 20 and increase physical damage inflicted on All monsters by 10% for 7 seconds when performing physical damage. -------------------- Class: Dagger Attack: 150 Weight: 100 Weapon Level: 4 Level Requirement: 100 Jobs: Ninja |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 120 000 000 z | 1 |
A cane with a blue glow that an ancient hero used.
-------------------- Can't be destroyed. -------------------- Matk + 150. Matk + 10 per 2 refine. -------------------- Increases Diamond Dust damage by 8% per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases magical damage against undead property enemies by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +11 or higher increases water property magical damage by 7%. -------------------- When equipped with Ancient Hero Boots, when dealing magical damage, has a chance to gain Int + 20 and Matk + 15% for 7 seconds. -------------------- Class: Staff Attack: 40 Weight: 50 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level: 100 Class: Sorcerer |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 15 000 000 z | 1 |