Kill Count: 143679
Kill Count: 15165

Vending Items Of [Anthology]


payon, 173, 107

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
31709 A luxurious and luxurious crown.
Designed by Baphomet Server adventurer Sleeping Boy.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Golden Violet None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
31709 A luxurious and luxurious crown.
Designed by Baphomet Server adventurer Sleeping Boy.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Golden Violet None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
31380 A crow which won't stop talking all day long.
Type: Costume
Position: Middle
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Crow None None None None 15 000 000 z 1
31952 Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Gate of the Nether World None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
20326 Class: Costume
Location: Lower
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Sailor Collar None None None None 45 000 000 z 1
19963 This item cannot be enchanted or transferred.
A special hairband which is designed to use the most frequently used tools.
Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Driver Band None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
19963 This item cannot be enchanted or transferred.
A special hairband which is designed to use the most frequently used tools.
Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Driver Band None None None None 5 000 000 z 1