Kill Count: 71162
Kill Count: 135764

Vending Items Of [Benedetto]

Elu, Foods,World Boss Boxes

fortessa, 208, 133

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
52022 Contains a random reward.
This box and every content is TRADEABLE.
Type @wiki wb5.
This item can only be obtained from a World Boss
World Boss Box 5 None None None None 4 499 999 z 20
52021 Contains a random reward.
This box and every content is TRADEABLE.
Type @wiki wb4.
This item can only be obtained from a World Boss
World Boss Box 4 None None None None 4 499 999 z 32
52020 Contains a random reward.
This box and every content is TRADEABLE.
Type @wiki wb3.
This item can only be obtained from a World Boss
World Boss Box 3 None None None None 4 499 999 z 15
52018 Contains a random reward.
This box and every content is TRADEABLE.
Type @wiki wb1.
This item can only be obtained from a World Boss
World Boss Box 1 None None None None 4 499 999 z 2
51011 Can be exchanged for rewards at @go special.
Weight: 0
Loyalty Certificates None None None None 99 500 z 3854
12098 A riceball garnished with strawberries that give it an unexpectedly delicious taste.
Class: Cooked Food
Effect: LUK +8
Heal: 8% HP and 3% SP
Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 40
Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball None None None None 14 999 z 74
12092 A deliciously sweet bread, haunted by flavor.
Class: Cooked Food
Effect: DEX +7
Heal: 5% HP and 7% SP
Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 80
Soul Haunted Bread None None None None 14 999 z 99
12087 A special Umbala dish made with steamed alligator meat wrapped in vegetables.
Class: Cooked Food
Effect: AGI +7
Heal: 8% HP and 2% SP
Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 80
Steamed Alligator with Vegetable None None None None 14 999 z 99
12082 A magnificent feast fit for gods that would make mortals cry tears of joy.
Class: Cooked Food
Effect: VIT +7
Heal: 16% HP
Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 40
Sumptuous Feast None None None None 14 999 z 100
12077 A herbal tea mixed with royal jelly that has a pungent scent, but a refreshing flavor.
Class: Cooked Food
Effect: INT +7
Heal: 4% HP and 10% SP
Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 80
Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea None None None None 14 999 z 100
12072 A great meal for meat lovers, this roast is spiced up with a special sauce.
Class: Cooked Food
Effect: STR +7
Heal: 10% HP and 4% SP
Duration: 20 minutes
Weight: 5
Whole Roast None None None None 14 999 z 100
985 A very light, non-toxic metal used for refining and toughening Armor.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 20
Elunium None None None None 31 999 z 238