Kill Count: 166161
Kill Count: 18765

Vending Items Of [Pojke]


gonryun, 152, 150

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
42021 Skill Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Skill Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random physical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Physical Skill Shadow Box None None None None 300 000 z 1
42020 Skill Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Skill Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Skill Shadow Box None None None None 300 000 z 1
6963 A stone that can absorb HP.
Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
1% chance to absorb 1% physical damage into HP.
Weight: 10
HP Absorp Stone (Garment) None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
25017 A stone with magic powers.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of lower costume.
MATK + 1%
[+Magic Stone(Middle)]
[+Magic Stone(Upper)]
MATK +2%
Weight: 10
Magic Stone(Lower) None None None None 2 700 000 z 17
42019 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Class Shadow Box None None None None 300 000 z 2
42018 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random physical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Physical Class Shadow Box None None None None 300 000 z 2
23720 Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a shadow equipment with a refinement rating of 7 or higher, except for class shadows, you will get 1 random enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Shadow Enchant Box None None None None 500 000 z 2
100783 Exchanges 6x +7 Auto Spell Shadow Items for 1 random Major Auto Spell Shadow item.

Link - Click here
Weight : 0
Major Auto Spell Shadow Box None None None None 3 000 000 z 6
25068 A stone that increases ASPD.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
ASPD + 1
Weight: 10
ASPD Stone(Upper) None None None None 6 500 000 z 1
25071 A stone that can reduce after skill delay.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of lower costume.
Reduces after cast delay of skills by 1%.
Weight: 10
Reload Stone(Lower) None None None None 4 500 000 z 9
100661 Exchanges 5x +7 EXP Shadow Items for 1 Experience Shadow Shield.

Link - Click here
Weight : 0
Experience Shadow Box None None None None 700 000 z 27
100601 Exchanges 5 different Illusion Modules for 1 random Illusion Module.

Link - Click here
Weight : 0
Illusion Module Box None None None None 250 000 z 51