Kill Count: 47449
Kill Count: 103067

Vending Items Of [Cancelled]


gonryun, 155, 138

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4303 Flee +10
ATK +20 if the user has 80 or more STR points.
Max HP +3% if the user has 80 or more VIT points.
CRIT +3 if the user has 80 or more LUK points.
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Giant Whisper Card None None None None 8 000 000 z 1
4328 Flee +15
Tragic Trio Card Set

All Stats +1
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Yao Jun Card None None None None 1 500 000 z 9
4340 Reduces damage taken from Undead monsters by 30%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Shield
Weight: 1
Teddy Bear Card None None None None 4 500 000 z 12
4384 Adds a high chance of autocasting Level 1 [Spell Breaker] each time the wearer dealing physical attacks.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Hydro Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 2
4253 Receive 40% less damage from Boss monsters.
Receive 40% more damage from normal monsters.
Class: Card
Compound on: Shield
Weight: 1
Alice Card None None None None 4 000 000 z 7
4381 VIT +1
Max HP +10%
Bard/Dancer Card Set

DEX +5
+5% Arrow Vulcan Damage
+10% Musical Strike Damage
+10% Throw Arrow Damage
Bard or Dancer Bonus:
A low chance of
auto casting
level 2 Tarot Card of Fate
when hit by a melee attack.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Green Ferus Card None None None None 2 000 000 z 7
4375 Flee +10
Increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 10%.
When the compounded garmet's upgrade level is 9 or greater, increase Flee +5 and Neutral property resistance +5%
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Orc Baby Card None None None None 9 000 000 z 1
4338 Adds 1 VIT for every 18 points of base DEX.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Obsidian Card None None None None 500 000 z 1
4389 Adds a chance of dropping Fireproof Potion, Coldproof Potion, Earthproof Potion or Thunderproof Potion when defeating a monster.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Plasma Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 4
4277 LUK +2
Inflict 10% more damage with Throw Arrow and Musical Strike.
Class: Card
Compound on: Shield
Weight: 1
Zealotus Card None None None None 8 000 000 z 5
4257 AGI +1
[Thief class]
Perfect Dodge +5
[Thief Card Set]

AGI +5
STR +5
Increase attack speed and movement speed by 5%.
Recover SP by 1 on each attack.
Disable the Auto-Intimidate
ability of the
Wanderer Card
Thief Class Bonus:
No Gemstones required to
use certain skills.
Rogue Card Set

STR +6
AGI +4
Backstab Damage +10%
A chance of auto casting
Level 5 Strip Armor
if Level 5 Strip Armor is
Rogue Class Bonus:
-20% SP Consumption
Disables the Auto-Intimidate
ability of the
Wanderer Card.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Wild Rose Card None None None None 7 000 000 z 11
4373 LUK -5
Adds an amount of LUK and Critical equal to the coumpounded garment's upgrade level.
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Green Maiden Card None None None None 2 800 000 z 2