Kill Count: 285582
Kill Count: 128062

Vending Items Of [Store13]


izlude_d, 109, 151

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Ice Magic Stone (Hyper Magic) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Hyper Range) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Power of Savage) None None None None 25 000 000 z 3
Ice Magic Stone (Earth Power) None None None None 25 000 000 z 3
Ice Magic Stone (Flame Wind) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Flame Ice Wind) None None None None 25 000 000 z 4
Ice Magic Stone (Aimed Rush) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Cloud Buster) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Banishing Cannon) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Delay After Attack) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1