Kill Count: 143679
Kill Count: 15165

Vending Items Of [VendarZ]


ayo_in01, 132, 160

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
12886 A very special potion that enrages the character and turns him into a berserker and increases the character's attack speed.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Increase Aspd
Duration: 30 minutes
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Level Requirement: 85
Jobs: Swordman classes, Merchant classes, Rogue, Mage, Wizard classes, Taekwon and Gunslinger classes
Weight: 0
Infinite Berserk Potion None None None None 3 800 000 z 36
14766 A booster that increases your power significantly.
for 30 minutes: increase ATK & MATK +30, ATK & MATK +1%, HIT & FLEE +30, ASPD +1, reduces SP consumption by 5%, reduces Fixed Casting Time by 30%
(The fixed cast time reduction % only applies to longer time.)
If the user die, the effect will dissapear.
Weight: 1
Limited Power Booster None None None None 330 000 z 802
1000263 A bright and sacred piece of goodwill. Empathy, happiness, rest, comfort, and blessings overflow from the fragment.
Weight: 0
Fragment of Good Will None None None None 175 000 z 1779
100753 Allows you to reform any Ancient Hero Equipment into a Patent Equipment.
All enchants, cards are safe and transferred.
When using this, reduces the refinement of the target by 2.
[ Possible Items ]
Ancient Hero Boots
Narcissus Bow [2]
Royal Bow [2]
Avenger [2]
Honglyeong Sword [2]
Madogum [2]
Iron Nail [2]
Shadow Staff [2]
Aeon Staf [2]
Oriental Sword [2]
Kiri no Tsuyu [2]
Shiver Katar [2]
Aquatic Spear [2]
Exorcist's Bible [2]
Thousand Sun [2]
Spirit Plumb [2]
Meowmeow Foxtail [2]
Crimson Rose [2]
Golden Lord Launcher [2]
Master Soul Rifle [2]
Demon Slayer Shot [2]
The Black [2]
Huuma Shuriken Clearness [2]
Light Blade [2]
Slate Sword [2]
Trumpet Shel [2]
Barbed Wire Whip [2]
Meteor Striker [2]
Dragonic Slayer [2]
Fatalist [2]
Ray Knuckle [2]
Saint Hall [2]
Blade Katar [2]
Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow [2]
Weight : 1
Hero Equipment Cube None None None None 785 000 z 97
100745 Grants 2 Magical enchants to a LT-Weapon.
Weight: 1
Hero Weapon Modifier (Magic) None None None None 149 000 z 66
12884 Potion that stimulates concentration. Affects the attack speed of its consumer.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Increase Aspd
Duration: 30 minutes
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Weight: 0
Infinite Concentration Potion None None None None 89 000 z 48
12885 Potion that possesses the effect of awakening. It is a mysterious medicine that helps to increase the character's attack speed.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Increase Aspd
Duration: 30 minutes
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: All except Acolyte, Priest, Bard and Dancer
Weight: 0
Infinite Awakening Potion None None None None 3 100 000 z 60
25867 Shards of matter that are distorted in time and release mysterious magic power.
Destroyed magic fade.
Weight: 1
Temporal Fragment None None None None 51 000 z 1737
23436 A refine hammer that will randomize the refinement of the Shadow Equipment between 1 and 10. Has the highest probability to end up on +4.
Careful, might causes your item to de-refine and you end up with a refine-level less than before!
Weight : 1
Shadow Refine Hammer None None None None 287 010 z 366
25865 A gemstone that is distorted in time and has a mysterious magical power. It's hard to work with ordinary things.
Weight: 1
Temporal Gemstone None None None None 192 000 z 225
7925 Essence that is said to have been made by purifying matter of another dimension.
Weight: 0
Powerful Dimensional Essence None None None None 68 000 000 z 7