Kill Count: 223823
Kill Count: 90446

Vending Items Of [Sheeessshhh]

get stoned4

ayo_in01, 132, 163

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1000676 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a garment costume.
CRT + 5.
Creative Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 1 700 000 z 1
1000675 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a garment costume.
Reduces delay after skill by 5%.
Reload Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 110 000 000 z 2
1000525 Has a 1% chance to restore 1% of damage as SP when dealing physical damage
SP Absorption Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 4 900 000 z 1
1000521 Reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds.
When equipped with Minor Casting Stone (Garment)
Reduces fixed casting time by additional 0.3 seconds.
Minor Casting Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 19 000 000 z 4
1000520 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a garment costume.
ASPD + 1.
Note: can be used together with a normal Garment Stone
Weight: 10
ASPD Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 2 700 000 z 2