Kill Count: 223823
Kill Count: 90446

Vending Items Of [Aerith Gainsborough]

Wings of the Fallen

ve_fild06, 99, 229

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing 7 [1] None None None None 2 325 000 z 1