Kill Count: 80028
Kill Count: 14715

Vending Items Of [Aniza]

Enchantment Materials

ve_fild06, 131, 234

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
100744 Grants 2 Physical enchants to a LT-Weapon.
Weight: 1
Hero Weapon Modifier (Physical) None None None None 132 500 z 55
100485 Allows you to enchant Poenitentia Weapons.
Gives 2 enchants of the Magical Category.
Weight: 1
Sakray's Regret None None None None 50 000 z 4654
100479 Allows you to enchant Poenitentia Weapons.
Gives 2 enchants of the Physical Category.
Weight: 1
Sakray's Wrath None None None None 50 000 z 2788
42021 Skill Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Skill Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random physical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Physical Skill Shadow Box None None None None 275 000 z 200
42020 Skill Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Skill Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Skill Shadow Box None None None None 275 000 z 70
100745 Grants 2 Magical enchants to a LT-Weapon.
Weight: 1
Hero Weapon Modifier (Magic) None None None None 132 500 z 33
42019 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Class Shadow Box None None None None 275 000 z 144
22687 Unstable fragment that was came from powerful vicious mind. It can affect your feeling if you do something carelessly.
There is tendency from this fragment to return to its source if it fall too far.
Cooldown: 5 Second
Weight: 0.1
Fragment of Vicious Mind None None None None 5 000 z 13869
23778 Gives 2 enchants to OS Weapons.
Enchant List - Click here
Category: Physical
[Enchantable Items]
Cannon Rapier-OS
Beam Claymore-OS
Rutilus Stick-OS
Circuit Board-OS
Sapphire Mace-OS
Virtual Bow-OS
Burning Knuckle-OS
Boost Lance-OS
Electric Fox-OS
Weight : 5
Premium Modification Part(Physical) None None None None 500 000 z 151
23777 Gives 2 enchants to OS Weapons.
Enchant List - Click here
Category: Physical
[Enchantable Items]
Cannon Rapier-OS
Beam Claymore-OS
Rutilus Stick-OS
Circuit Board-OS
Sapphire Mace-OS
Virtual Bow-OS
Burning Knuckle-OS
Boost Lance-OS
Electric Fox-OS
Weight : 5
Advanced Modification Part(Physical) None None None None 250 000 z 367
23776 Gives 2 enchants to OS Weapons.
Enchant List - Click here
Category: Physical
[Enchantable Items]
Cannon Rapier-OS
Beam Claymore-OS
Rutilus Stick-OS
Circuit Board-OS
Sapphire Mace-OS
Virtual Bow-OS
Burning Knuckle-OS
Boost Lance-OS
Electric Fox-OS
Weight : 5
Normal Modification Part(Physical) None None None None 100 000 z 363