Kill Count: 147219
Kill Count: 129464

Vending Items Of [Peruere Snezhevna]

Cor Temporal Essence

ve_fild06, 111, 237

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Temple Essence None None None None 200 000 z 25
Ice Essence None None None None 225 000 z 113
25786 A collection of papers...
There is no information that can be known by itself, but if you collect more, you may be able to figure it out.
Weight: 0
Somatology Research Document None None None None 12 500 z 207
25723 It is made with highly sophisticated technology and is used as a core part for all devices.
Weight : 1
Cor Core None None None None 7 500 z 10207
24421 A sacred necklace which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities.
ATK +15
Type: Shadow Pendant
Requirement: None
Temporal Transcendent Shadow Pendant None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
24420 A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities.
MATK +15
Type: Shadow Earring
Requirement: None
Temporal Transcendent Shadow Earring None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
24419 A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
Increases ASPD by 7%.
Type: Shadow Shoes
Requirement: None
Temporal Transcendent Shadow Shoes None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
24418 A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
Type: Shadow Shield
Requirement: None
Temporal Transcendent Shadow Shield None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
24417 A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
When equipped with , , , and :
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
Ignores physical and magical defense of all monsters, except Players, by 70%.
Type: Shadow Armor
Requirement: None
Temporal Transcendent Shadow Armor None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
24416 A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability.
Increases Critical Damage by 7%.
Type: Shadow Weapon
Requirement: None
Temporal Transcendent Shadow Weapon None None None None 4 000 000 z 1