Kill Count: 291619
Kill Count: 130340

Vending Items Of [Mamang Cilok]


prontera, 140, 170

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
25867 Shards of matter that are distorted in time and release mysterious magic power.
Destroyed magic fade.
Weight: 1
Temporal Fragment None None None None 40 000 z 3288
25864 Ore and jeweled circlelets from a gap in time.
It doesn't have much effect, but if you take it to someone who knows it's value, it can be useful.
Weight: 10
Sealed Temporal Circlet None None None None 90 000 z 400
6417 Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Humans think that it is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo.
Use these as currency to exchange for access to memorial dungeons and to exchange for enchanting A-E grade coins with the Special Vending Machine and Coin Exchanger in Malangdo.
Weight: 0
Silvervine Fruit None None None None 500 000 z 366