Kill Count: 242128
Kill Count: 107362

Vending Items Of [BankAllt1]


payon, 189, 98

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
12202 A very pricey Louyang dish that tastes absolutely superb.
Class: Usable item
Effect: STR +10
Duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
Steamed Tongue None None None None 25 000 z 200
12235 A ripe, sweet
strawbery covered
in a smooth layer of
luscious chocolate.
Weight: 0
Chocolate Strawberry None None None None 298 500 z 200
12207 A funky smelling, suspicious looking stew that really does make you feel like an immortal when you eat it.
Class: Usable item
Effect: VIT +10
Duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
Stew of Immortality None None None None 25 000 z 200
14619 INT +15 for 30 Minutes.
¡Ø Custom: Does not give any secondary stats.
¡Ø ATK Does not Overlap with other bonus.
¡Ø This effect disappears when dispelled.
¡Ø This effect disappears on death.
Weight: 1
Half Bar of Knowledge None None None None 55 000 z 60
12236 A crunchy tart
filled with rich
chocolate and topped
with fresh cream.
Weight: 0
Chocolate Tart None None None None 33 333 z 200
12206 A rare, specialty Payon dish that bestows luck to those fortunate enough to eat it.
Class: Usable item
Effect: LUK +10
Duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
Cooked Nine Tail's Tails None None None None 25 000 z 200
14621 Luck +15 for 30 Minutes.
¡Ø Custom: Does not give any secondary stats.
¡Ø ATK Does not Overlap with other bonus.
¡Ø This effect disappears when dispelled.
¡Ø This effect disappears on death.
Weight: 1
Half Bar of Luck None None None None 55 000 z 44
12203 This scorpion dish is cooked with the heat of the desert sand, and is one of the four best dishes in Sograt Desert cuisine.
Class: Usable item
Effect: AGI +10
Duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
Steamed Scorpion None None None None 25 000 z 200
12205 This beverage is named after the legendary spring that is believed to be the source of the world's rivers, and is famous for its pure, amazing taste.
Class: Usable item
Effect: DEX +10
Duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
Hwergelmir's Tonic None None None None 25 000 z 200
14616 STR +15 for 30 Minutes.
¡Ø Custom: Does not give any secondary stats.
¡Ø ATK Does not Overlap with other bonus.
¡Ø This effect disappears when dispelled.
¡Ø This effect disappears on death.
Weight: 1
Half Bar of Strength None None None None 55 000 z 43
14617 VIT +15 for 30 Minutes.
¡Ø Custom: Does not give any secondary stats.
¡Ø ATK Does not Overlap with other bonus.
¡Ø This effect disappears when dispelled.
¡Ø This effect disappears on death.
Weight: 1
Half Bar of Fitness None None None None 55 000 z 29
12204 A cocktail whose unforgettable flavor is as potent as the breath of a dragon.
Class: Usable item
Effect: INT +10
Duration: 30 minutes
Weight: 1
Dragon Breath Cocktail None None None None 25 000 z 200