Kill Count: 242128
Kill Count: 107362

Vending Items Of [TenaVizor]


fortessa, 244, 139

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
13146 A revolver mainly used in the buffalo bandit colony. It is said to be rather complicated for the general public to use.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 10%).
Increase long ranged physical damage by 5% per 2 upgrade levels.
Refine is +7 or higher
increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by additional 5%).
Refine is +9 or higher
increase Fire Dance damage by 25%.
Refine is +12 or higher

increase long ranged physical damage by 5%.
Class: Revolver
Attack: 170
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 150
Jobs: Rebellion
Calf Deathadder 12 [2] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
13332 A huuma shuriken used by the ninjas who were hired to secure ownership of some gold mine.
Increases the damage of Swirling Petal by 20%.
Refine is +7 or higher
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
Increases the damage of Swirling Petal by an additional 20%.
Class : Huuma
Attack : 250
Weight : 200
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 100
Applicable Job : Kagerou/Oboro
Huuma Shuriken of Dancing Petals 12 [2] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
28626 Increases physical damage against Shadow, Undead, Poison and Ghost property monsters by 10%.
Increases physical damage against Shadow, Undead, Poison and Ghost property monsters by additional 10% per 3 refine (up to refine level 10).
Increases physical damage taken from Shadow property monsters by 30%.
When equipped with Illusion Ring, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 8%).
Increases critical damage by 5% per 2 refine of Illusion Tablet.
Refine is +9 or higher
Crit + 15.
If refine is 11 or higher, Atk + 100.
Class: Book Attack: 170
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 100
Jobs: Sage classes, Priest classes, Star Gladiator classes
Illusion Tablet 12 [2] None None None None 100 000 000 z 1
620010 Can't be destroyed.
Reduces variable casting time by 5%
if base Str is 100 or higher, Atk + 75.
Refine is +7 or higher
Reduces variable casting time by additional 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 15%
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 20%.
Refine is +11 or higher
Reduces delay after skill by 10%.
When equipped with Illusion Chain Mail
Atk + 50
Reduces delay after skill by 15%.
If refine of each is 7 or higher
Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 15%).
If the sum of refine is 18 or higher
Increases physical damage against all race monsters by 20%.
If the sum of refine is 22 or higher
Atk + 15%,
Reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Class : Two-Handed Axe
Attack : 250
Weight : 700
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 120
Jobs : Merchant Classes
Illusion Doom Slayer 12 [2] None None None None 100 000 000 z 1
18752 A cursed book that can absorb life.
Adds a 4% chance of restoring 4% of damage as HP when performing a physical attack.
Increases the restoring amount by 1% of damage as HP when performing a physical attack per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
Adds a 1% chance of restoring 1% of damage as SP when performing a physical attack.
Increases the restoring amount by 1% of damage as SP when performing a physical attack per 3 upgrade levels of the item.
Drains 1 HP from the user every 5 seconds per upgrade level of the item.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 3
Location: Upper
Weight: 30
Level Requirement: 99
Jobs: All except Novice
Cursed Book 12 [1] None None None None 125 000 000 z 1
19157 A doll faithfully replicating the legendary mercenaries. Unlike the cute figure, these mercenaries has suffered a lot of adversities.
Can be enchanted using Gunslinger Scroll.
All Stats + 1
Reduce SP consumption of skills by 10%.
Increase EXP bonus from killing All enemies by 5%.
Increase drop rate bonus from killing All enemies by 5%.
Refine is +9 or higher
ASPD + 1
Refine is +12 or higher
increases movement speed.
Class: Headgear
Location: Upper
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required Level: 1
Usable Jobs : All
Drooping Gunslinger 12 [1] None None None None 160 000 000 z 1
16093 Can't be destroyed, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
Atk + 1% per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Cart Cannon damage by 25%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases long ranged physical damage by additional 15%.
Class: Mace Attack: 210
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Genetic
Coolant Injection 12 [2] None None None None 170 000 000 z 1
16093 Can't be destroyed, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
Atk + 1% per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Cart Cannon damage by 25%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases long ranged physical damage by additional 15%.
Class: Mace Attack: 210
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Genetic
Coolant Injection 12 [2] None None None None 170 000 000 z 1
Fur Seal Mini Fan-LT [1] None None None None 250 000 000 z 1
410017 Atk + 10, Matk + 10.
Class : Headgear
Location : Middle
Defense : 0
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Usable Jobs : All
Battle Processor [1] None None None None 250 000 000 z 1
24683 Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 1% per 2 refines.
Base Level below 175
Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 20%.
Base Level above 175
Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 10%.
Refine is +10 or higher
Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%
Class: Shadow equipment
Location: Shield
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Usable Jobs: All
Experience Shadow Shield 10 None None None None 210 000 000 z 1
24678 Matk + 3%.
Increases all property magical damage by 1% per 2 refine.
Refine is +10 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 3%.
Class: Shadow equipment
Location: Pendant
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Usable Jobs: All
True Gemstone Shadow Pendant 10 None None None None 280 000 000 z 1