Kill Count: 31476
Kill Count: 129087

Vending Items Of [kabluchok3]

143 167

prontera, 143, 167

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4133 Increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 20%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Raydric Card None None None None 4 000 000 z 6
27112 DEF + 5
DEF + 5 per upgrade level.
[+Furious Snowier Card]
Reduce damage taken from Medium size enemies by 20%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Furious Ice Titan Card None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
9514 A permit to enchant Einbech weapons
Enchant list - click here
Works on weapons only.
Will not destroy the weapon
This item will be deleted after use.
Max Enchants: 3
Weight: 1
Physical Modification Permit None None None None 3 000 000 z 1
Primitive Rgan Card None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
300268 MATK + 5%.
If the user's base level is 200 or higher
increases water and earth property magical damage by 15%.
When equipped with Crow Baron Card and both are equipped by Sage classes
increases Cold Bolt and Heaven's Drive damage by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Accessory(Right)
Weight : 1
Crow Duke Card None None None None 11 000 000 z 1
48208 When compounded on Staff or Two-handed Staff, increases ghost property magical damage by 10%.
If refine of weapon is 10 or higher, increases ghost property magical damage by additional 10%.
If refine of weapon is 14 or higher, increases ghost property magical damage by additional 10%.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Weapon
Weight: 1
Spectrum Plasma Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 2
48202 Atk + 20, additional Atk + 10 when equipped with Porcellio Card.
Atk + 1 per refine of shoes.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Shoes
Weight: 1
White Porcellio Card None None None None 2 000 000 z 6
644 A box that contains some sort of present.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Gives random item
Weight: 20
Gift Box None None None None 10 000 z 319
27359 Increase magical damage inflicted on Water property enemies by 15%.
[+Curupira Card]
Increase magical damage inflicted on Water property enemies by 8%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Ice Ghost Card None None None None 7 000 000 z 1
27118 Max HP + 10%
STR + 2
If base level is 160 or higher, increase damage of Hundred Spear and Over Brand by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
add an additonal damage of Hundred Spear and Over Brand by 10%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Ominous Freezer Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
27116 CRIT + 3
Increase critical damage by 5%.
[+Ominous Assaulter Card]
CRIT + 2
Increase critical damage by 2%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Ominous Heater Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 1