Kill Count: 223823
Kill Count: 90446

Vending Items Of [MerchantDumb40]

Aldebaran CARDS

aldebaran, 156, 129

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
48219 Increases physical damage against brute race enemies by 5%.
When equipped with Bone Ferus Card, increases physical damage against brute race enemies by additional 5%.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Accessory (Right)
Weight: 1
Bone Acidus Card None None None None 3 600 000 z 3
48218 Increases physical damage against dragon race enemies by 5%.
When equipped with Bone Acidus Card, increases physical damage against dragon race enemies by additional 5%.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Accessory (Left)
Weight: 1
Bone Ferus Card None None None None 3 600 000 z 9
48217 Increases physical damage against holy property enemies by 25%.
When equipped with Orc Skeleton Card, increases physical damage against holy property enemies by additional 15%.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Weapon
Weight: 1
Silver Acidus Card None None None None 3 600 000 z 6
48216 Increases physical damage against shadow property enemies by 25%.
When equipped with Santa Poring Card, increases physical damage against shadow property enemies by additional 15%.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Weapon
Weight: 1
Black Acidus Card None None None None 3 600 000 z 6
48215 Flee + 30, Crit + 5.
When equipped with Ancient Mimic Card, increases critical damage by 2% per refine of garment.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Garment
Weight: 1
Treasure Mimic Card None None None None 8 700 000 z 4
48214 Atk + 3%, Max HP - 5%, Max SP - 5%.
Atk + 1% per 4 refine.
When equipped with Gold Acidus Card, Max HP + 4% and Max SP + 4% per 4 refine of shoes.
Class: Card
Compounds On: Headgear
Weight: 1
Purple Ferus Card None None None None 8 700 000 z 4
4381 VIT +1
Max HP +10%
Bard/Dancer Card Set

DEX +5
+5% Arrow Vulcan Damage
+10% Musical Strike Damage
+10% Throw Arrow Damage
Bard or Dancer Bonus:
A low chance of
auto casting
level 2 Tarot Card of Fate
when hit by a melee attack.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Green Ferus Card None None None None 3 400 000 z 6
4380 Increases damage of the Fire Pillar and Meteor Storm by 5%.
Drains 50 SP when the compounded weapon is unequipped.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Red Ferus Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 2
4378 Max HP +4%
Max SP +4%
When the compounded
shoes's upgrade level
is no greater than 4,
these bonuses are
increased to Max HP
+8% and Max SP +8%,
and adds SP and
HP Recovery +5%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Gold Acidus Card None None None None 5 000 000 z 7