Kill Count: 281132
Kill Count: 115069

Vending Items Of [McGucket]

~~ LUCKY ~~

fortessa, 247, 124

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
17069 A box has fire bottle 100 and acid bottle 100. must careful on dealing with.
once opens, cannot refund .
Weight: 1
Acidbomb Box(100) None None None None 4 890 000 z 10
678 A skeleton shaped bottle which contains deadly poison.
Class: Usable item
Weight: 10
Poison Bottle None None None None 49 900 z 349
12211 A Kafra name card issued by the Kafra Headquarters..
Class: Usable item
Effect: Open kafra storage
Weight: 1
Kafra Card None None None None 17 240 z 1406
101261 A spell book that enhances Mega Blitz Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Mega Blitz Shield Shadow
Mega Blitz Weapon Shadow
Weight : 1
Mega Blitz Spellbook None None None None 15 000 000 z 12
17070 A box has fire bottle 500 and acid bottle 500. must careful on dealing with.
once opens, cannot refund .
Weight: 1
Acidbomb Box(500) None None None None 9 600 000 z 2
7776 A Gym Pass that can be given to a special NPC to learn a skill that will increase your Maximum Weight Capacity by 10,000 for each skill level.
This special skill can only be learned up to Level 10.
Find payon,173,141,0,100,0,0 in Payon
Weight: 1
Gym Pass None None None None 508 900 z 175
100695 Double click to use.
Using this item as catalyst will result in 0 refine loss.
Weight: 0
Thanos Helm Reform Cube None None None None 19 000 000 z 1
1000874 A special universal enchant ticket.
fortessa,90,125,0,100,0,0 can be found at @go instance.
[ Target Items ]
Mad Bunny-LT
Hero's Boots-LT
Hero's Badge
World Tree Young Leaf
Helm of Faith
Thanos' Helmet-LT
Weight : 0
Enchant Ticket None None None None 24 500 000 z 4
50926 --------------------
Class: Costume Garment
Defense: 0
Location: Garment
Weight: 1
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All
Costume Arch Angel Wings None None None None 28 000 000 z 1
17066 A box that contains 50 Poison Bottles. Use caution when handling it.
Cannot be refunded once opened.
Weight: 1
Poison Bottle Box50 None None None None 4 400 000 z 4
50928 --------------------
Class: Costume Garment
Defense: 0
Location: Garment
Weight: 1
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All
Costume Fallen Angel Wings None None None None 28 000 000 z 1