Kill Count: 44189
Kill Count: 4286

Vending Items Of [VendoPiedra]


fortessa, 199, 127

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Wasted Primitive Rgan Card None None None None 3 400 000 z 18
Two-Eye Dollocaris Card None None None None 11 850 000 z 8
27351 Max HP + 5%
[+Bungisngis Card]
Max HP + 5%
Class: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Rigid Sky Deleter Card None None None None 3 450 000 z 3
23986 Chest of Treasures of the Temple of Odin
Once opened you will randomly recieve:
Str Soutane[1]
Agi Soutane[1]
Vit Soutane[1]
Dex Soutane[1]
Int Soutane[1]
Luk Soutane[1]
Clergy's Boots[1]
Clergy's Manteau[1]
Angel's Dream
Rune of Darkness
Soft Feather
Weight: 10
Odin Relic None None None None 350 000 z 211
25669 Unknown machinal parts. Unknown where it cannot be used.
Weight : 1
Unknown Part None None None None 245 000 z 6
25767 Small and round strange objects
I feel beautiful and warm energy.
Weight: 1
Angel dream None None None None 390 000 z 214