Kill Count: 80028
Kill Count: 14715

Vending Items Of [Lunatic]

Lunatic Fashion!

fortessa, 220, 154

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
42020 Skill Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Skill Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Skill Shadow Box None None None None 250 000 z 8
Costume Rgan Disguise Tool None None None None 55 555 555 z 1
400245 A modified Tiger King Doll Hat.
Str + 2, Dex + 2, Pow + 2, Con + 2,
Increases Attack Speed by 10%,
Increases physical damage against animal monsters by 10%,
When performing a physical attack, there is a chance to activate for 7 seconds.
Refine Level +7:
Increases melee physical damage by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
ATK + 10%
Refine Level +11:
Increases melee physical damage by 10%.

ATK + 35 per refine rate.
When refine is 10 or above, P.ATK + 20
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: ATK+5%, POW + 3.
[Grade C]: STA + 2, reduces Fixed Casttime by 0.5 seconds.
[Grade B]: P.ATK + 3, RES + 20.
[Grade A]: P.ATK + 7
Class: Headgear
Defense: 6
Location: Top
Weight: 40
Armor level: 2
Jobs: All classes
Base Level 150
Tiger King Doll Hat-LT [1] None None None None 55 555 555 z 1
100601 Exchanges 5 different Illusion Modules for 1 random Illusion Module.

Link - Click here
Weight : 0
Illusion Module Box None None None None 500 000 z 1
42019 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Class Shadow Box None None None None 250 000 z 13
42018 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random physical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Physical Class Shadow Box None None None None 300 000 z 18
Costume Cache [Airship Destruction] None None None None 15 000 000 z 2
1900000071 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Blinking Golden Eyes
Costume Deviruchi Apron
Costume Melon Headphone
Costume Camellia Demon Ribbon
Costume Ragnarok Festival Band
Costume Fluffy Rabbit Cape
Costume Silk of Soul
Costume Whale Cap
Costume White Cat on Shoulder
Costume Shura Wild Long
Costume Sweet Chef Hat
Costume Faith of Yggdrasil
Costume Robotics Watcher
Costume Poulet
Costume Lord of Royals
Costume Fishbone Hair
Costume Smokie Muffler
Costume Airy Two Side Up White
Costume YinYang Earring
Costume Soda In Mouth
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Fortessa Dungeon] None None None None 23 000 000 z 5
1900000040 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Waltz of Flowers
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Black)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Blue)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Brown)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Green)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Pink)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Purple)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Red)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (White)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Yellow)
Costume White Hair of Strong
Costume White Rabbit Ears
Costume White Rose Princess
Costume White Rose Princess
Costume White Student Cap
Costume Will O Wisp Lower
Costume Wings Of Victory Mid
Costume Wonder Egg Basket
Costume Yellow Cherry Blossom Hat
Costume Yellow Scarf
Costume Yellow Wizardry Hat
Costume Yggdrasil Crown
Costume Yuzu Helmet
Costume Zealotus Doll
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Endless Cellar] None None None None 9 500 000 z 26
1900000036 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Romantic Rose
Costume Royal Guard Necklace
Costume Runaway Accelerator
Costume Rune Helm
Costume Rune-Midgarts Glory
Costume Saint Frill Ribbon
Costume Sakura Hairband
Costume Savage Bebe On Shoulder
Costume Scratch Mask
Costume Secret Bandana
Costume Seppl Hat
Costume Seraphim Feather
Costume Shalosh Headdress
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Sarahs Memories] None None None None 8 800 000 z 9
1900000023 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Carnation Headband
Costume Carnival Hat
Costume Cat Ear Bandana
Costume Cat Ear Ribbon
Costume Cat Ears Cape
Costume Cat Ears Punkish
Costume Cat Eye
Costume Cats Paw Knit Hat (Brown)
Costume Cats Paw Knit Hat
Costume Chain of Commandments
Costume Chick Hat
Costume Chignon Black
Costume Chignon Blonde
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Water Garden] None None None None 8 800 000 z 25