Kill Count: 80028
Kill Count: 14715

Vending Items Of [Hueha]


verus04, 138, 248

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4131 Enable faster Movement Speed so long as the Footgear to which this card is compounded is equipped.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Moonlight Flower Card None None None None 59 999 999 z 1
24675 Matk + 3%.
Increases all property magical damage by 1% per 2 refine.
Refine is +10 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 3%.
When equipped with True Gemstone Shadow Shoes
Matk + 2%,
If the sum of refine is 18 or higher
negates gemstone consumption of skills, increases SP consumption of skills by 40%,
If the sum of refine is 20 or higher
increases magical damage against all size enemies by 12%.
Class: Shadow equipment
Location: Armor
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Usable Jobs: All
True Gemstone Shadow Armor None None None None 40 000 000 z 1
Otherworld Aquila Fragment None None None None 100 000 000 z 2
4399 DEF -30
Flee -30
Enchants compounded weapon with the Infiltration skill effect.
Each attack drains 1 SP.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Memory of Thanatos Card None None None None 149 500 000 z 1
25723 It is made with highly sophisticated technology and is used as a core part for all devices.
Weight : 1
Cor Core None None None None 249 500 z 2101
12411 This well written, detailed manual explains High Efficiency battle methods.
EXP rate increases to 200% for 15 minutes.
Booster Character: CANNOT be used on Booster Characters.
Weight: 1
HE Battle Manual None None None None 3 890 000 z 11
31850 Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Faithful Coffin None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
480095 --------------------
Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Giant White Rabbit None None None None 80 000 000 z 1
Costume Jellyfish None None None None 100 000 000 z 1