Kill Count: 121053
Kill Count: 7074

Vending Items Of [Alexandra28]


fortessa, 217, 142

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4119 Enchant armor with the Shadow element.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Bathory Card None None None None 11 000 000 z 2
Hearthunter AT Card None None None None 13 400 000 z 2
26161 Matk + 175, can't be destroyed.
Increases holy property magical damage by 5%.
Matk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Magnus Exorcimus and Judex damage by 30%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases Magnus Exorcimus damage by additional 20%.
Class: Staff Attack: 100
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Archbishop
Penitentia 12 [2] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
26213 Reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 1% per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

reduces cooldown of Severe Rainstorm by 1 second.
If refine is 11 or higher,
reduces SP consumption of Severe Rainstorm by 20%.
Class: Whip Attack: 180
Weight: 120
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Wanderer
Scarlet Ribbon 12 [2] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
21058 Max HP/Max SP + 5% per 2 refine.
Increases Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water damage by 5% per 3 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
reduces delay after skill by 10%, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
If refine is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 7%, Max SP + 5%.
When equipped with Great Hero Boots, Vit + 10, increases long ranged physical damage by 5%.
Class : Two-handed Sword
Attack : 200
Weight : 200
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 150
Usable Jobs : Rune Knight
Patent Dragonic Slayer 12 [2] None None None None 110 000 000 z 1
1631 A holy stick which is made of Rune of Odin, specialized for exorcisms.
MATK +140
Reduces variable cast time of Holy Light, Turn Undead, and Magnus Exorcismus by 25%.
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 50
Weight: 50
Element: Holy
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Priest and Monk
Holy Stick 12 [1] None None None None 130 000 000 z 1
1185 A huge violet Two-Handed Sword that's made from the Twin Swords of Naght Sieger.
When dealing physical attacks, there is a chance that for 5 seconds you will completely disregard the defense of the opponent.
Adds a chance to auto cast Level 3 Meteor Storm and/or Level 5 Frost Nova when dealing physical attacks.
Class: Two-Handed Sword
Attack: 275
Weight: 220
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 80
Jobs: Transcendent Swordman
Violet Fear 12 [2] None None None None 130 000 000 z 1
2049 Two-handed cane with magic crystals of water and fire.
INT + 7
MATK + 300
MATK + 1% per 2 upgrade levels.
Refine is +7 or higher
increase Earth, Fire, Water and Holy property magical damage by 5%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increase Earth, Fire, Water and Holy property magical damage by 10%.
If upgrade level is 11 or higher, reduce damage taken from All size enemies by 20%.
If upgrade level is +13 or higher, reduce after cast delay of skills by 15%.
Class: Two-Handed Staff
Attack: 110
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 175
Jobs: Warlock, Sorcerer, Arch Bishop, Sura, Soul Reaper.
Blue Flame Cane 13 [2] None None None None 130 000 000 z 1
700029 Thanos' bow remodeled with the addition of Tim Artnard's technology.
Physical attacks have a random chance to recover 2500 HP and 50 SP every second for 4 seconds.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Sharp Shooting by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Critical Damage by 15%.
Increases damage of Sharp Shooting by additional 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Critical +15
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 15%.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: ATK +2%, Damage of Crescive Bolt +10%.
[Grade C]: Delay after skill reduced by 5%, P.ATK + 1.
[Grade B]: Damage of Crescive Bolt +10%.
Type: Bow
Attack: 230
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 5
Base Level 190
Thanos Bow-AD 12 [2] None None None None 200 000 000 z 1
19546 A Helm of 'Battle Princess' who serves Odin.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Base Level 100
Costume Valkyrie Helm None None None None 160 000 000 z 1
18190 The tool you used to nail in the Einbach mine,
Improvement to launch other things besides the nail.
Atk + 10%.
Increases Aimed Bolt damage by 10%.
Refine is +7 or higher
Atk + 60, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases Aimed Bolt damage by additional 15%,
has a chance to gain bonus physical damage against all size enemies by 15% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
If refine is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 20%.
Class: Bow Attack: 210
Weight: 170
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Ranger
Bolt Shooter 12 [2] None None None None 190 000 000 z 1
400116 Atk + 20 per 2 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%).
Refine is +9 or higher
increases long ranged physical damage by 15%.
Refine is +11 or higher
increases physical damage against all size enemies by 10%.
When equipped with Sharp Star
increases critical damage by 20%,
increases Focused Arrow Strike damage by 10% per refine of weapon.
When equipped with Aiming Bow
increases long ranged physical damage by 10%,
increases Aimed Both damage by 10% per refine of weapon.
When equipped with Falken Shooter
reduces cooldown of Arrow Storm by 1.8 seconds,
increases Arrow Storm damage by 10% per refine of weapon.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 10
Location: Upper
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
Usable Jobs: Ranger
Celestial Jewel Crown 12 [1] None None None None 195 000 000 z 1