Kill Count: 71162
Kill Count: 135764

Vending Items Of [Vendinha1]


xmas, 142, 120

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
6417 Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Humans think that it is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo.
Use these as currency to exchange for access to memorial dungeons and to exchange for enchanting A-E grade coins with the Special Vending Machine and Coin Exchanger in Malangdo.
Weight: 0
Silvervine Fruit None None None None 488 000 z 428
M. Meister Shadow Armor None None None None 119 000 000 z 1
4577 Wind/Ghost Magic damage +20%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Elvira Card None None None None 17 800 000 z 10
4137 Nullify reduction in damage inflicted on monsters resulting from monster's size.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Drake Card None None None None 419 000 000 z 11
17070 A box has fire bottle 500 and acid bottle 500. must careful on dealing with.
once opens, cannot refund .
Weight: 1
Acidbomb Box(500) None None None None 9 550 000 z 250
12259 An enchanted tonic that made by a dream flower.
Weight: 0
Miracle Tonic None None None None 37 790 000 z 100
Fur Seal Mini Fan-LT [1] None None None None 120 000 000 z 1
7754 An antique crown
that was once worn
by the ruler of an
ancient kingdom;
it used to sparkle
with magnificence.
It can be sold to
Merchant NPCs.
Weight: 1
Broken Crown None None None None 495 000 z 1018
12261 Upon use gives 2.000.000 Base and 3.000.000 Job EXP.
Weight: 0
Leap of Fantasy None None None None 32 400 000 z 160
1910000207 Contains a random Shadow Equipment which release date on official was 2021-03-01 or later.
List of items - click here
Weight: 1
Random Shadow Box None None None None 18 400 000 z 8
6635 Use this bottle in combination with any refinement material to protect the item from downgrading and breaking in the Refinement UI.
This item will be consumed regardless of fail or success, the amount needed is increased corresponding to refine level.
Required number of bottles:
+7 refine -> +8 refine : 1 ea
+8 refine -> +9 refine : 2 ea
+9 refine -> +10 refine : 4 ea
+10 refine -> +11 refine : 7 ea
+11 refine -> +12 refine : 11 ea
+12 refine -> +13 refine : 16 ea
+13 refine -> +14 refine : 22 ea
**Only apply up to +14 refine.
Weight: 0
Blacksmith Blessing None None None None 3 899 000 z 163
673 A coin made of bronze.
Weight: 4
Bronze Coin None None None None 255 000 z 958