Kill Count: 196501
Kill Count: 65572

Vending Items Of [Vendinha6]


xmas, 153, 117

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4408 Increases Physical damage to Holy, Shadow, Angel and Demon monsters by 40%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Gloom Under Night Card None None None None 499 000 000 z 8
4407 Increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 10%.
Adds a 5% chance of autocasting Level 1 Dispell when performing basic attacks.
Weapon becomes indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Randgris Card None None None None 215 000 000 z 4
4131 Enable faster Movement Speed so long as the Footgear to which this card is compounded is equipped.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Moonlight Flower Card None None None None 54 000 000 z 6
4121 HIT +100
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Phreeoni Card None None None None 99 000 000 z 8
101311 A spell book that enhances Infinity Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Infinity Shadow Shield
Infinity Shadow Weapon
Weight : 1
Infinity Shadow Spellbook None None None None 8 495 000 z 72
101310 A spell book that enhances Clever Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Clever Shadow Shield
Clever Shadow Weapon
Weight : 1
Clever Shadow Spellbook None None None None 9 700 000 z 46
101309 A spell book that enhances Experience Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Experience Shadow Shield
Weight : 1
Experience Shadow Spellbook None None None None 9 700 000 z 88
Gambler's Seal [1] None None None None 950 000 000 z 1
12887 The wings cut from fly to be made into enchanted item.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Teleport to random cell
Weight: 0
Infinite Fly wing None None None None 25 450 000 z 68
12211 A Kafra name card issued by the Kafra Headquarters..
Class: Usable item
Effect: Open kafra storage
Weight: 1
Kafra Card None None None None 16 998 z 5263
7925 Essence that is said to have been made by purifying matter of another dimension.
Weight: 0
Powerful Dimensional Essence None None None None 67 400 000 z 2
6635 Use this bottle in combination with any refinement material to protect the item from downgrading and breaking in the Refinement UI.
This item will be consumed regardless of fail or success, the amount needed is increased corresponding to refine level.
Required number of bottles:
+7 refine -> +8 refine : 1 ea
+8 refine -> +9 refine : 2 ea
+9 refine -> +10 refine : 4 ea
+10 refine -> +11 refine : 7 ea
+11 refine -> +12 refine : 11 ea
+12 refine -> +13 refine : 16 ea
+13 refine -> +14 refine : 22 ea
**Only apply up to +14 refine.
Weight: 0
Blacksmith Blessing None None None None 3 899 000 z 403