Kill Count: 31476
Kill Count: 129087

Vending Items Of [1177]

fortessa, 205, 160

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
25866 A substance that is distorted in time and releases mysterious magical power.
Weight: 1
Temporal Spell None None None None 900 000 z 140
1910000207 Contains a random Shadow Equipment which release date on official was 2021-03-01 or later.
List of items - click here
Weight: 1
Random Shadow Box None None None None 18 500 000 z 20
640027 An improved version of the staff made of otherworldly metal.
Resonates with Hero's Boots-LT.
Indestructible in battle
MATK +235
MATK +5%
at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Earth Strain and Gravitation Field by 12%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 15%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Earth and Fire element by 20%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Earth Strain skill cooldown by 1 second.
Increases damage of Comet by 30%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage against enemies of every size by 20%.
Increases damage of Crimson Rock by 30%.
When equipped with :
MATK +10%, S.MATK +2.
[Additional Options by Grade]
[Grade D]: MATK +3%
[Grade C]: Magical Damage of Neutral, Earth and Fire element +15%. S.MATK +1
[Grade B]: SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
Type: Two-Handed Staff
Attack: 100
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 5
Base Level 190
Warlock classes
Aeon Staff-LT 14 [2] Mutated White Knight Card Mutated White Knight Card None None 999 999 999 z 1
Royal Family Album None None None None 300 000 000 z 2
21051 A Two-Handed sword made of Black Light.
Increases damage of Bowling Bash by 30%.
For each refine level
ATK +4
Refine is 9 or higher
Reduces cooldown time of Bowling Bash and Ignition Brake by 1 sec.
Refine is 11 or higher
Increases damage of Bowling Bash by 20%.
Type: Two-Handed Sword
Attack: 280
Weight: 280
Weapon Level: 4
Base level 170
Rune Knight
Volar 13 [2] True Seyren Windsor Card True Seyren Windsor Card None None 450 000 000 z 1
1910000210 A old relic that contains a small amount of magic.
This item is rare and can be exchanged for goods.
Weight: 0
Ancient Fortessa Coin None None None None 33 333 333 z 7
1000855 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a garment costume.
Increases critical damage by 10%, Cri + 10.
Note: can be used together with a normal Garment Stone
Weight: 10
Critical Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 300 000 000 z 1
23926 A hammer that can refine any Shadow Equipment to +9.
The refinement cannot fail.
Weight : 1
+9 Shadow Hammer None None None None 25 555 555 z 8
23719 A decoration for cards. You may get some of the sealed cards.
[ Contains one Sealed Card of the following at random ]
Harword Card
Magaleta Card
Eddga Card
Ktullanux Card
Lady Tanee Card
Mistress Card
Orc Hero Card
Orc Load Card
Samurai Card
Baphomet Card
Champion Card
Clown Card
Creator Card
Daehyon Card
Gioia Card
Gypsy Card
Kades Card
Maya Card
Paladin Card
Professor Card
Pyuriel Card
Queen Scaraba Card
Stalker Card
Timeholder Card
Weight: 1
Sealed Card Album II None None None None 150 000 000 z 1
12412 A High Efficiency bubble gum that packs double the punch.
Item drop rate increases by 200% for 15 minutes.
Weight: 1
HE Bubble Gum None None None None 7 200 000 z 42
14545 This well written, detailed manual explains Extremely Efficient battle methods.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Exp rate +300%
Duration: 30 minutes
Booster Character: CANNOT be used on Booster Characters.
Weight: 1
Battle Manual X3 None None None None 7 200 000 z 50
6635 Use this bottle in combination with any refinement material to protect the item from downgrading and breaking in the Refinement UI.
This item will be consumed regardless of fail or success, the amount needed is increased corresponding to refine level.
Required number of bottles:
+7 refine -> +8 refine : 1 ea
+8 refine -> +9 refine : 2 ea
+9 refine -> +10 refine : 4 ea
+10 refine -> +11 refine : 7 ea
+11 refine -> +12 refine : 11 ea
+12 refine -> +13 refine : 16 ea
+13 refine -> +14 refine : 22 ea
**Only apply up to +14 refine.
Weight: 0
Blacksmith Blessing None None None None 4 550 000 z 350