Kill Count: 281132
Kill Count: 115069

Vending Items Of [ozzi1]


geffen, 108, 65

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
101355 Allows the reformation of OS Weapons into OSAD versions.
All enchants, cards are safe and transferred.
When using this, reduces the refinement of the target by 0.
[ Possible Items ]
Cannon Rapier-OS
Boost Lance-OS
Circuit Board-OS
Rutilus Stick-OS
Electric Fox-OS
Burning Knuckle-OS
Sapphire Mace-OS
Beam Claymore-OS
Virtual Bow-OS
Weight: 20
OS Remodel Cube None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
52020 Contains a random reward.
This box and every content is TRADEABLE.
Type @wiki wb3.
This item can only be obtained from a World Boss
World Boss Box 3 None None None None 3 000 000 z 2
100706 Contains a random Ancient Hero enchant.
Weight : 1
Will of Ancient Hero None None None None 1 000 000 z 14
100442 Contains a random Ancient Hero Weapon.
Ancient Hero Weapon Box None None None None 1 000 000 z 3
23992 Contains one of ready to use experimental weapon.
Weight: 1
Experimental Weapon Box None None None None 1 000 000 z 4
22537 Rewarded to warriors on the quest to defeat Morocc.
Weight: 10
Prize of Hero None None None None 1 000 000 z 5
22534 Now I will be able to open. Well closed this box had been created with a terrible loneliness.
Weight: 100
Closed Mind Box None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
12623 A hard box with beautiful details. there are many high-end equipments.
Weight: 1
High Weapon Box None None None None 500 000 z 5
12616 A bag containing coin A, coin B and some other stuff too. If you are lucky, you can even get Seagod's Anger.
Weight: 1
S Grade Coin Bag None None None None 500 000 z 2
53502 Contains a random reward.
This box and every content is TRADEABLE.
Type @wiki wb7.
This item can only be obtained from a World Boss
World Boss Box 7 None None None None 3 000 000 z 2
23986 Chest of Treasures of the Temple of Odin
Once opened you will randomly recieve:
Str Soutane[1]
Agi Soutane[1]
Vit Soutane[1]
Dex Soutane[1]
Int Soutane[1]
Luk Soutane[1]
Clergy's Boots[1]
Clergy's Manteau[1]
Angel's Dream
Rune of Darkness
Soft Feather
Weight: 10
Odin Relic None None None None 300 000 z 175
603 A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to open it to find out.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Gives random item
Weight: 20
Old Blue Box None None None None 10 000 z 373