Kill Count: 4020
Kill Count: 120351

Vending Items Of [ozzi2]


geffen, 105, 61

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
6230 Double click to use. Cannot fail. Instantly refines to the designated refine.
Alternatively, visit 's Refining Expert in the Refine Shop.
Cannot be used on Weapon with Weapon Lvl 5 or Armor with Armor Lvl 2.
Weight: 0
+7 Weapon Refine Ticket None None None None 210 000 z 4
52012 Contains a random number of Moonlight Coins.
Weight: 1
Info: Drops from champion monsters.
Moonlight Bag None None None None 2 900 000 z 19
22906 A box which contain a random class enchantment Stone that can enchant a costume on a specific slot.
Weight: 1
Class Enchantment Box None None None None 3 900 000 z 1
17069 A box has fire bottle 100 and acid bottle 100. must careful on dealing with.
once opens, cannot refund .
Weight: 1
Acidbomb Box(100) None None None None 3 900 000 z 1
17066 A box that contains 50 Poison Bottles. Use caution when handling it.
Cannot be refunded once opened.
Weight: 1
Poison Bottle Box50 None None None None 3 900 000 z 1
14545 This well written, detailed manual explains Extremely Efficient battle methods.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Exp rate +300%
Duration: 30 minutes
Booster Character: CANNOT be used on Booster Characters.
Weight: 1
Battle Manual X3 None None None None 6 900 000 z 19
52038 Contains a random reward.
Weight: 0
Fahrros's Goodies None None None None 5 000 000 z 33
Spoils of Purgatory None None None None 7 000 000 z 67
51010 Contains a random costume headgear.
This item can be obtained through the following ways
Lucky 3 Slotmachine, Weekly Quest - type @wiki weekly
World Drops, Instance Points, Daily check in last day,
War of Emperium, World Bosses, Fortessa Dungeon Box
From other players or cashshop
[ Does not contain the new Headgears from random caches ]
Weight: 1
Costume Treasure None None None None 18 000 000 z 1
20326 Class: Costume
Location: Lower
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Sailor Collar None None None None 18 000 000 z 1
1910000207 Contains a random Shadow Equipment which release date on official was 2021-03-01 or later.
List of items - click here
Weight: 1
Random Shadow Box None None None None 17 500 000 z 1
23436 A refine hammer that will randomize the refinement of the Shadow Equipment between 1 and 10. Has the highest probability to end up on +4.
Careful, might causes your item to de-refine and you end up with a refine-level less than before!
Weight : 1
Shadow Refine Hammer None None None None 220 000 z 57