Kill Count: 4020
Kill Count: 120351

Vending Items Of [MerchantDumb6]


fortessa, 217, 133

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
23016 An unstable substance made up of several strong thoughts. There are so many feelings mixed inside which makes it overwhelming.
Weight : 0.1
Cursed Fragment None None None None 90 000 z 3000
1000397 Betelgeuse's Soul.
Weight: 0
Beteleuse Soul None None None None 2 400 000 z 22
1000263 A bright and sacred piece of goodwill. Empathy, happiness, rest, comfort, and blessings overflow from the fragment.
Weight: 0
Fragment of Good Will None None None None 155 990 z 2809
1000367 A gem made with a feeling of regret.
[Marquis of remorse] seems to be able to exchange for something.
Weight: 0
Mineas None None None None 250 000 z 198
1000103 A meal ticket issued by managers to serve mercenaries efficiently in the Varmundt Mansion.
It is said that there is nothing in the Varmundts Mansion that cannot be obtained with a single meal ticket.
Weight: 0
Varmeal Tickets None None None None 600 000 z 171