Kill Count: 4020
Kill Count: 120351

Vending Items Of [El paro juvenil]

Uh sopitaaaaa

fortessa, 229, 109

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Plain Rune None None None None 420 000 z 56
1000103 A meal ticket issued by managers to serve mercenaries efficiently in the Varmundt Mansion.
It is said that there is nothing in the Varmundts Mansion that cannot be obtained with a single meal ticket.
Weight: 0
Varmeal Tickets None None None None 530 000 z 52
1000257 A dark and evil sculpture containing the energy of sin. Anger, fear, resentment, regret, and sadness overflow from the sculpture.
Weight: 0
Piece of Sin None None None None 590 000 z 176
Otherworld Dark Fragment None None None None 170 000 000 z 1
Soul Rune None None None None 640 000 z 148
25866 A substance that is distorted in time and releases mysterious magical power.
Weight: 1
Temporal Spell None None None None 700 000 z 20
719 A purple jewel that is the birthstone for people born in February.
Weight: 10
Amethyst None None None None 400 000 z 184
300187 Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%).
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
Arena Odoric Card None None None None 99 800 000 z 1
12261 Upon use gives 2.000.000 Base and 3.000.000 Job EXP.
Weight: 0
Leap of Fantasy None None None None 29 000 000 z 2
12103 An ancient, gnarled branch with a contract written in blood upon the bark that can summon stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Summons a random Boss monster
Weight: 0
Bloody Branch None None None None 1 200 000 z 106
4419 Increases damage to Fire monsters by 50%,
adds a chance of auto casting Level 10 Frost Nova when the wearer receives physical or magic damage.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Ktullanux Card None None None None 78 000 000 z 1
27361 Increase physical damage inflicted on Medium and Large size enemies by 30%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Contaminated Wanderer Card None None None None 18 500 000 z 3