Kill Count: 79896
Kill Count: 148292

Vending Items Of [ozzi6]


geffen, 113, 70

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1900000037 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Shaman Hat
Costume Shark Hat
Costume Shark Head
Costume Short Haired Cat Ears
Costume Shrine Maiden Hat
Costume Side Pony Black
Costume Side Pony Blonde
Costume Side Pony Blue
Costume Side Pony Brown
Costume Side Pony Green
Costume Side Pony Purple
Costume Side Pony Red
Costume Side Pony White
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Last Room] None None None None 5 000 000 z 2
1900000033 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume One Eyed
Costume Orange Bunny Band
Costume Orange Halloween Hat
Costume Orange Hat
Costume Orange Helmet
Costume Orange In Mouth
Costume Oxygen Mask
Costume Panda Cap
Costume Pecopeco Cap
Costume Pencil in Mouth (Blue)
Costume Phantom Masquerade
Costume Piamette Curls Silver
Costume Piamettes Red Bow Tie
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Ghost Palace] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
1900000026 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Drooping Ernst Von Wolf 11th
Costume Drosera Hairpin
Costume Dullahan Mask
Costume Duneyrr Hat
Costume Durumagi
Costume Easter Egg Shell
Costume Electro Two Sides Up
Costume Elven Ears
Costume Evil Eggshell
Costume Evolved Whisper Mask Mid
Costume Experimental Goat Cap
Costume Eyes Of Darkness
Costume Falcon Mask
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Edda Biolab] None None None None 5 000 000 z 5
1900000023 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Carnation Headband
Costume Carnival Hat
Costume Cat Ear Bandana
Costume Cat Ear Ribbon
Costume Cat Ears Cape
Costume Cat Ears Punkish
Costume Cat Eye
Costume Cats Paw Knit Hat (Brown)
Costume Cats Paw Knit Hat
Costume Chain of Commandments
Costume Chick Hat
Costume Chignon Black
Costume Chignon Blonde
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Water Garden] None None None None 5 000 000 z 18
50000 A prize box for Morocc adventure troops.
Weight: 0
Squad Prize None None None None 5 000 000 z 6
6962 An old fuel tank with some fuels left inside it. Seem useless.
Weight: 10
Old Fuel Tank None None None None 100 000 z 26
985 A very light, non-toxic metal used for refining and toughening Armor.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 20
Elunium None None None None 10 000 z 290
6224 One of the hardest metals found in the Ash Vacuum.
It was difficult to refine because of it's high density, but recent experiments have made it possible to use it in weapon strengthening.
has a high chance to destroy the item upon failure when refining.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 15
Bradium None None None None 20 000 z 111
6223 One of the hardest metals on the Rune Midgard continent. It has a extraordinary degree of strength but it's too solid to be easily refined.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
has a high chance to destroy the item upon failure when refining.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 15
Carnium None None None None 10 000 z 23
1900000040 Contains randomly one of these:
Costume Waltz of Flowers
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Black)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Blue)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Brown)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Green)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Pink)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Purple)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Red)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (White)
Costume Wavy Perm Hair (Yellow)
Costume White Hair of Strong
Costume White Rabbit Ears
Costume White Rose Princess
Costume White Rose Princess
Costume White Student Cap
Costume Will O Wisp Lower
Costume Wings Of Victory Mid
Costume Wonder Egg Basket
Costume Yellow Cherry Blossom Hat
Costume Yellow Scarf
Costume Yellow Wizardry Hat
Costume Yggdrasil Crown
Costume Yuzu Helmet
Costume Zealotus Doll
Weight: 1
Costume Cache [Endless Cellar] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1