Kill Count: 147219
Kill Count: 129464

Vending Items Of [NaniMyHoney]


prt_monk, 71, 186

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
6233 Double click to use. Cannot fail. Instantly refines to the designated refine.
Alternatively, visit 's Refining Expert in the Refine Shop.
Cannot be used on Weapon with Weapon Lvl 5 or Armor with Armor Lvl 2.
Weight: 0
+8 Armor Refine Ticket None None None None 6 888 888 z 21
M. Imperial Guard Shadow Pendant 10 None None None None 550 000 000 z 1
Perfect Size Shadow Spellbook None None None None 18 000 000 z 5
101261 A spell book that enhances Mega Blitz Shadow Equipment.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing randomoption will disappear.
[Available Items]
Mega Blitz Shield Shadow
Mega Blitz Weapon Shadow
Weight : 1
Mega Blitz Spellbook None None None None 30 000 000 z 9
25787 Fragment of something...
There's nothing you can tell from this, but you might figure it out once you collect more.
Weight: 0
Somatology Experimental Fragment None None None None 100 000 z 1045
23992 Contains one of ready to use experimental weapon.
Weight: 1
Experimental Weapon Box None None None None 10 000 000 z 105
6471 The darkness of Nifflheim is lumped into this.
Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab
Weight: 1
Ghost Chill None None None None 700 000 z 1208
6470 Reactionary forces causes the thirst for blood.
Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab
Weight: 1
Blood Thirst None None None None 700 000 z 735
6469 A collection of biological relics from various warriors.
Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab
Weight: 1
Will of Warrior None None None None 700 000 z 2045