Kill Count: 77037
Kill Count: 13731

Vending Items Of [sheniqua_sells]


fortessa, 238, 109

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Engraved Waterdrop Brooch [1] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
Engraved Waterdrop Brooch [1] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
Engraved Pinguicula's Corsage [1] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
Engraved Pinguicula's Corsage [1] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
Engraved Pinguicula's Corsage [1] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
Engraved Survival Manteau [1] None None None None 2 000 000 z 1
Engraved Survival Manteau [1] None None None None 2 000 000 z 1
400095 Matk + 2% and increases SP recovery rate by 6% per 2 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
All Stats + 3.
Refine is +9 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +11 or higher
increases neutral, earth and water property magical damage by 20%.
When equipped with Boltijin
Matk + 2%,
increases Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt and Lightning Bolt damage by 3% per refine of weapon.
When equipped with Psychic Spear Rod
increases neutral and wind property magical damage by 3%,
increases Varetyr Spear damage by 3% per refine of weapon.
When equipped with Dust Grave
increases water and earth property magical damage by 3%,
increases Diamond Dust damage by 3% per refine of weapon.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 10
Location: Upper
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
Usable Jobs: Sorcerer
Spinel Diadem [1] None None None None 10 000 000 z 1