Vending Items Of [Selling_for_You]
fortessa, 214, 157
ID | Name | Refine | Slot | Card0 | Card1 | Card2 | Card3 | Price | Amount |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | AmbitionLv1 | Temporal Jewel (LUK) Lv 2 | None | 60 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | AmbitionLv1 | Temporal Jewel (STR) Lv 2 | None | 60 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | AmbitionLv1 | Temporal Jewel (LUK) Lv 3 | None | 80 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | ExpectationLv1 | Temporal Jewel (STR) Lv 2 | None | 70 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | AmbitionLv1 | Temporal Jewel (STR) Lv 3 | None | 60 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | Unyielding Lv 1 | Temporal Jewel (LUK) Lv 2 | None | 60 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | Shining Seaweed Card | Expectation5Lv | Temporal Jewel (VIT) Lv 3 | None | 400 000 000 z | 1 |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | Unyielding Lv 1 | Temporal Jewel (LUK) Lv 3 | None | 80 000 000 z | 1 | |
A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin. -------------------- For each 2 Refine Levels ATK +15 -------------------- For each 3 Refine Levels Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%). Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%. -------------------- For each 4 Refine Levels ATK +2% -------------------- Refine is 11 or higher Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%. -------------------- Type: Headgear Defense: 10 Position: Upper Weight: 0 -------------------- Requirement: Base Level 170 Guillotine Cross |
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[1] | None | AmbitionLv1 | Temporal Jewel (STR) Lv 3 | None | 60 000 000 z | 1 |