Kill Count: 28456
Kill Count: 13214

Vending Items Of [VendohStones2]


kh_vila, 20, 44

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1000969 Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a Middle Costume.
Increases melee physical damage by 2% per each level of Gentle Touch-Revitalize user learned.
When equipped with Sura Stone (Garment)
increases Lightning Ride damage by 20%.
When equipped with Sura Stone II (Garment)
increases Tiger Cannon damage by 15%.
Weight: 10
Sura Stone (Middle) None None None None 20 000 000 z 4
1000673 Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of middle costume.
Reduces variable casting time by 2% per each level of Diamond Dust user learned.
When equipped with Sorcerer Stone (Garment)
Increases Psychic Wave damage by 15%.
When equipped with Sorcerer Stone II (Garment)
Increases Varetyr Spear damage by 15%.
Sorcerer Stone (Middle) None None None None 14 999 998 z 1
1000616 Reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds per each level of Inspiration user learned.
When equipped with Royal Guard Stone (Garment)
Increases Cannon Spear damage by 15%.
When equipped with Royal Guard Stone II (Garment)
Increases Genesis Ray damage by 15%.
Royal Guard Stone(Upper) None None None None 13 999 998 z 2
1000614 Reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds per each level of Comet user learned.
When equipped with Warlock Stone (Garment)
Increases Crimson Rock damage by 15%.
When equipped with Warlock Stone II (Garment)
Increases Jack Frost damage by 15%.
Warlock Stone (Middle) None None None None 79 000 000 z 1
1000611 Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 levels of Rune Mastery user learned.
When equipped with Rune Knight Stone (Garment)
Increases Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water damage by 15%.
When equipped with Rune Knight Stone II (Garment)
Increases Sonic Wave damage by 15%.
Rune Knight Stone (Middle) None None None None 21 999 998 z 2
45020 A stone that evoke an Assassin Cross's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a costume.
Reduces delay after skill by 1% for each level of Soul Destroyer user learned.
Weight: 10
Assassin Cross Stone II(Upper) None None None None 49 999 999 z 1
45015 A stone that evoke an Warlock's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
Increases Comet damage by 15%.
[+High Wizard Stone II (Upper)]
increases Comet damage by 15%.
[+High Wizard Stone II (Middle)]
Reduces Fixed Casting Time by 0.1 seconds for each 2 levels of Mystical Amplification user learned.
[+High Wizard Stone II (Lower)]
Increases Neutral Property Magical Damage by 5%.
Weight: 10
Warlock Stone II(Garment) None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
25842 A stone that evoke a Soul Reaper's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
Increase damage of Eswhoo by 20%.
[+Soul Linker Stone(Upper)]
Increase damage of Eswhoo by 20%.
[+Soul Linker Stone(Middle)]
Increase damage of Espa by 20%.
[+Soul Linker Stone(Lower)]
Reduce fixed casting time of skills by 0.5 second.
Weight: 10
Soul Reaper Stone(Garment) None None None None 17 999 998 z 1
25797 A stone that evoke a Sura's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
Increase damage of Knuckle Arrow by 15%.
[+Champion Stone II(Upper)]
Increase damage of Tiger Cannon by 15%.
[+Champion Stone II(Middle)]
Max HP + 10%.
[+Champion Stone II(Lower)]
Increase damage of Tiger Cannon by 15%.
Weight: 10
Sura Stone II (Garment) None None None None 19 999 999 z 2