Kill Count: 99844
Kill Count: 30095

Vending Items Of [Vending my Soul VII]


moc_ruins, 132, 118

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
48237 LUK + 2.
Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%.
Increases Cart Revolution damage by 50%.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Shoes
Weight: 1
Greater Papila Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
48249 INT + 2, VIT + 1.
Max HP + 10%, increases Psychic Wave and Diamond Dust damage by 10%.
When equipped with Blue Pitaya Card and Research Assistant Bot Card, increases Psychic Wave and Diamond Dust damage by 20%,
increases Psychic Wave damage by additional 5% per 2 refine of shoes and increases Diamond Dust damage by additional 5% per 2 refine of weapon.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Accessory
Weight: 1
Bookworm Card None None None None 7 000 000 z 2