Kill Count: 100416
Kill Count: 145209

Vending Items Of [Aurelia777]


fortessa, 202, 133

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 84 999 999 z 1
52030 Allows to switch between Hanbok and normal costume.
This item is never consumed nor expires.
Weight: 1
Hanbok Bag None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
2976 Adds a chance of gaining Alcohol, Detrimindexta or Karvodailnirol when a monster is killed.
Max SP -300
Enables use of Level 1 [Sight].
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 100
Jobs: All classes
Red Lantern [1] None None None None 14 999 999 z 1
2168 Very unique, square formed shield with a special jewel on it which protects from physical power.
Refine is +5 or higher
Every refine level increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 1%.
(The increase is limited to refine level 12)
Refine is +7 or higher
Increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 5%.
Refine is +9 or higher
Increases resistance against Fire, Water, Wind and Earth element attacks by 5%.
Class: Shield
Defense: 55
Weight: 70
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Immune Shield [1] None None None None 4 999 999 z 1
31438 A fluffy pink cape with angel wings attached.
Type: Costume
Position: Lower
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Fluffy Angel Cape None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
2976 Adds a chance of gaining Alcohol, Detrimindexta or Karvodailnirol when a monster is killed.
Max SP -300
Enables use of Level 1 [Sight].
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 100
Jobs: All classes
Red Lantern [1] None None None None 14 999 999 z 1
2976 Adds a chance of gaining Alcohol, Detrimindexta or Karvodailnirol when a monster is killed.
Max SP -300
Enables use of Level 1 [Sight].
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 100
Jobs: All classes
Red Lantern [1] None None None None 14 999 999 z 1
25069 A stone that can reduce after skill delay.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
Reduces after cast delay of skills by 1%.
[+Reload Stone(Middle)]
[+Reload Stone(Lower)]
Reduces after cast delay of skills by 2%.
Weight: 10
Reload Stone(Upper) None None None None 7 950 000 z 1
607 Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.
Class: Restorative item
Heal: 100% HP, 100% SP
Weight: 30
Yggdrasil Berry None None None None 189 999 z 261
19686 Santa Claus doll-themed headband.
Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Santa Doll Headband None None None None 29 999 999 z 1
20335 Class: Costume
Location: Middle
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Watery Eyes None None None None 29 999 999 z 1
31905 Type: Costume
Position: Lower
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Blanc Neige Prince None None None None 29 999 999 z 1