Kill Count: 119059
Kill Count: 5831

Vending Items Of [spicy beef]


fortessa, 241, 160

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
6658 Currency Used in Kingdom of Undead, Vanishes After Halloween.
Weight: 0
Halloween Coin None None None None 590 000 z 447
4131 Enable faster Movement Speed so long as the Footgear to which this card is compounded is equipped.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Moonlight Flower Card None None None None 299 000 000 z 1
25273 Exchange with Crane in Hugel for Racing Thank Tickets.
Weight: 0
Mysterious Medal None None None None 248 000 z 1183
1000874 A special universal enchant ticket.
fortessa,90,125,0,100,0,0 can be found at @go instance.
[ Target Items ]
Mad Bunny-LT
Hero's Boots-LT
Hero's Badge
World Tree Young Leaf
Helm of Faith
Thanos' Helmet-LT
Weight : 0
Enchant Ticket None None None None 29 999 000 z 16
Venom Essence None None None None 19 000 z 305