Kill Count: 157918
Kill Count: 124343

Vending Items Of [MeuLixoSeuLixo]

pls buy im starving

prt_monk, 132, 199

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Ice Gangu Card None None None None 4 999 999 z 15
27108 Increase magical damage inflicted on Neutral property enemies by 20%.
[+Playing Pere Card]
Increase Reverberation damage by 50%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Left)
Weight: 1
Singing Pere Card None None None None 9 999 999 z 4
4588 Every 10 base STR, you gain +5 ATK.
Class: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Wakwak Card None None None None 9 999 999 z 4
4368 ASPD +5%
HIT -30
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Cecil Damon Card None None None None 9 999 999 z 8
600013 Increases Storm Slash damage by 5% per 2 refine.
Increases melee physical damage by 2% per 4 refine.
Class: Two-handed Sword
Attack: 250
Weight: 230
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 200
Jobs: Dragon Knight
Fortified Claymore [2] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
Boots of Good and Evil (Sky Emperor) [1] None None None None 9 999 999 z 1
Boots of Good and Evil (Windhawk) [1] None None None None 39 999 999 z 1
Boots of Good and Evil (Cardinal) [1] None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
24733 Increases physical and magical damage against all size monsters by 1% per 3 refine.
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from all size monsters by 1% per 3 refine.
If refine is 10
Negates size penalty
Class: Shadow equipment
Location: Shield
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Usable Jobs: All
Infinity Shadow Shield None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
24685 MaxHP + 3%,
MaxSP + 3%,
Atk + 1% per 3 refine.
Refine is +7 or higher
Reduces variable casting time by 3%
Refine is +10 or higher
Has a 2% chance to restore 2% of damage as HP when dealing physical damage.
Has a 1% chance to restore 2% of damage as SP when dealing physical damage.
Class: Shadow equipment
Location: Shield
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Usable Jobs: All
Absorb Shadow Shield None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
24386 A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability.
For each 3 refine levels
Increases physical damage inflicted on all size monsters by 1%.
Reduces damage taken from all size monsters by 1%.
Refine Level +10
Nullifies weapon damage penalty resulting from monster's size.
Type: Shadow Weapon
Refinable: Yes
Requirement: None
Infinity Shadow Weapon None None None None 29 999 999 z 1