Kill Count: 213482
Kill Count: 41515

Vending Items Of [Dagang 1]


fortessa, 211, 112

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Costume Corrupted Dark Lord Cloak None None None None 550 000 000 z 1
5420 A mask of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire. Rumour has it that the wearer will gain control over fire.
STR + 2
INT + 2
MDEF + 5
Adds a 5% chance of autocasting Level 3 Meteor Storm when performing basic attacks.
Increase physical and magical damage dealt to Fire property enemies by 10%.
Decrease damage taken from Fire property attacks by 10%.
Increase damage taken from Water property attacks by 10%.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 12
Location: Upper, Middle, Lower
Weight: 80
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: All classes except Novice
Mask Of Ifrit [1] Mid Costume Transform Stalker Stone(Middle) None None 100 000 000 z 1
410199 --------------------
Type: Costume
Position: Middle
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Midnight Candle None None None None 200 000 000 z 1