Kill Count: 259872
Kill Count: 2504

Vending Items Of [Lyca]

3rd Expanded Job Headgear Stones

ve_fild06, 109, 229

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Summoner Stone (Lower) None None None None 4 500 000 z 3
Summoner Stone (Middle) None None None None 4 500 000 z 3
Oboro Stone (Lower) None None None None 1 250 000 z 4
Oboro Stone (Middle) None None None None 4 500 000 z 4
Oboro Stone (Upper) None None None None 4 500 000 z 4
Kagerou Stone (Lower) None None None None 4 500 000 z 4
1001052 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a Lower Costume.
Reduces cooldown of Curse Explosion by 0.1 seconds per each level of Evil Spirit's Curse user learned.
When equipped with Soul Reaper Stone (Garment)
reduces fixed casting time by 0.5 seconds.
Weight: 10
Soul Reaper Stone (Lower) None None None None 2 250 000 z 3
1001050 A stone filled with strength.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
Increases all property magical damage by 1% per each level of Espa user learned.
When equipped with Soul Reaper Stone (Garment):
reduces SP consumption of Espa by 15%.
Weight: 10
Soul Reaper Stone(Upper) None None None None 4 500 000 z 3
1001046 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a Lower Costume.
Increases Falling Star damage by 4% per each level of Blessing of Star user learned.
When equipped with Star Emperor Stone (Garment)
has a 2% chance to restore 1% of damage as SP when dealing physical damage.
Weight: 10
Star Emperor Stone (Lower) None None None None 4 500 000 z 11
1001045 Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a Middle Costume.
Increases melee physical damage by 2% per each level of Blessing of Sun user learned.
When equipped with Star Emperor Stone (Garment)
increases Solar Burst damage by 15%.
Weight: 10
Star Emperor Stone (Middle) None None None None 1 250 000 z 10
1001044 A stone filled with strength.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
Increases Full Moon Kick damage by 3% per each level of Blessing of Moon user learned.
When equipped with Star Emperor Stone (Garment):
increases New Moon Kick damage by 15%.
Weight: 10
Star Emperor Stone(Upper) None None None None 2 500 000 z 9
1900000012 Exchange it at the Event Exchanger in @go 47.
Weight: 0
Event Coin None None None None 100 000 000 z 1